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Richard took a pull from his blunt as he allowed the weed to spread through his lungs.

Rags To Riches was off the hook tonight. Richard sat in his section that over looked the entire club scenery, making sure no bullshit was happening.

Emotionally Scarred By Lil Baby sounded off in the club, Richard laid back in his section as he bump his head to the rhythm of Lil Baby.

It was supposed to be a little date night between him and Jaycee but things happened.

Although Richard said he wanted to keep it about Kasai, that was the furthest thing from the truth.

As much as Richard wanted to enjoy tonight, Jaycee was lingering in his mind all day, so he had decided to cut his time at the club short.

As he was exiting from out his establishment, after making sure his team was in good shape Karen caught him at the right time.

"You don't know how to answer your phone Richard?" Said Karen.

Karen was the last person he wanted to deal with, stating how he had put her on child support, he knew sooner or later Karen was gone make an appearance.

He has been ducking her phone calls and text messages because Karen wasn't an easy person to talk to. 

Richard didn't want it to get this far, but protecting Kasai was his number one priority and Kasai was at an age where now he's asking questions about his mother.

But what do you tell an almost 4 year old? His mom is a piece of shit, and she doesn't care about nothing but herself?

"Listen Karen I'm not in the mood for yo shit shordy. You're staying on child support end of discussion.

"Don't matter if a nigga got money or not , stop clocking my pockets because your fraud ass don't got shit."

"You care about all this other nonsense but not your son, that shit lame jit. A simple how is he doing will go a long way but your ass just so fucking..like there's not even a strong enough word to describe your evil ass " Richard spat.

Karen tried to reach her hand across Richard's face and smack him but she didn't have no luck.

"The bullshit with you just gone never end, gone find yoself getting hurt real bad, keep your fucking hands to yourself Karen. "  He said, as he nudge her out his way.

Before she got the chance to follow him, security had grabbed her, Richard shook his head as he approached his vehicle.

"I was waiting for her to put her hands on you, ouuu I was waiting" Jaycee said, and Richard had turned around.

"Man get yo soft ass outta here shordy, you too pretty to be fighting" Richard laughed, but then his face expression changed.

"What is you doing here? I thought you wasn't fucking with me?" He said looking at her confused.

"I want us to have a real conversation. Early was a little heated moment but we have both calmed down, so now it's time for us to be adults" Jaycee says

"Come on" She said grabbing him by his hand and leading him to her car.

"Let me grab my shit out the car just incase I gotta shoot a mf" He said, and Jaycee playfully rolled her eyes.

"You don't need that boy, we are only going down the street, we gone eat and have a conversation.. is that alright with you?" She asked.

"That's cool with me, but still I don't feel comfortable without my shit" He replied, and Jaycee had let go of his hand and Richard grabbed his gun from out the truck and tucked it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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