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Thursday, 8:15 a.m.
-Eric's Point of View-

It's been a long time, no see. A nigga really just had to step back, and relax. I been grinding, getting to this money because it ain't shit else to do.

Last time you all heard from a nigga, I was dealing with B. Belinda and I decided to give this love shit a try after all, I felt like shorty was my person, even with the stealing and shit, I decided to see past all that bullshit but that shit quickly went left after months of dating.

Belinda found out she was pregnant and her ass aborted my son, talking about some "I'm not ready to give up drinking and smoking for a child" that shit pissed me the fuck off jit.

Then she had the nerve to do that shit without even telling a nigga, I had to hear that shit from someone else, but I guess shit happens for a reason

She's a junky ass bitch. but fuck it. I don't know why I thought I could turn a bum, into a housewife. I'm such a silly nigga.

I been preparing for the birth of my niece, who will be here in a couple of weeks, it just happened the same city my sister live is in, so does Fatima.

I know it's been on-going years, but I still think about the relationship me and Fatima had. I still think we got a fair chance at redoing this love shit for a second time around , but this time doing it the right way.

Can a nigga live in his delusions? Because I know what y'all thinking, Eric had chuckled to himself, as he took a sip of his orange juice.

But shit still be fucking me up, how Fatima still running around town with that nigga Zachary, then her ass had a baby by this dude, shit crazy. That was supposed to be my little family.

Anyways jit, I know T will come around. Some shit you just have to manife-

"I was calling you" Lori said, taking a seat at Nick's Cafe , she had interrupted Eric from his thoughts.

"My bad sis, my phone is on silent" Eric said, as he stood some, and placed a kiss on the side of his sister's face.

"So what brings you to Los Angeles finally ?" Lori asked, as she took a sip of her water, she was in her last trimester of pregnancy.

"You sis" Eric lied partially, and Lori nodded her head as she smiled, she was happy to see her brother, any chance she got to see her siblings, she was happy.

"Does Cameron know you're here?" Lori asked, before Eric got the chance to respond to her, someone called his phone, and he took his conversation somewhere privately, while Lori ordered her breakfast.

Over with Fatima, She was waiting in Izzy's school office to talk to her teacher, Ms. Love wanted to get her class under control before she asked someone to step in for her, after about 10 minutes later, Ms. Love made her way to the office where Fatima was.

"Good mornings Ms. Wilson, It's good to see you" Ms. Love said, as she extended her hand into Fatima directions, the two shook hands.

" I'm hearing my child was spoken to three times by this unknown person, and no one thought to bring that to my attention?" Fatima asked, trying to stay as calm as possible, but she had a few loose screws when it came to her loved ones, especially the ones she birthed.

Ms. Love looked at Fatima oddly, because this was the first she hearing about any of this, but another parent had brought to Fatima's attention.

"I'm sorry, this is the first time I'm hearing about any of this a third time? I am only aware of this one time, and I immediately brought it to Izzy's father attention" Ms. Love said truthfully.

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