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Fatima just shook her head in disappointment, as she walked away and went upstairs to get Izzy and Zamaris up, Zachary followed behind her because he knew how she felt, and he know how things looked from Fatima's point of view.

"Mamas" He uttered out Stern, but Fatima ignored him as she got to Zamaris room, she tried to open his room door but Zachary had grabbed her hands , lightly pushing her into his room. Shutting the door behind him, so they didn't wake the kids up.

"Chill out yo, and let me explain. You mad, okay cool but you not about to wake them up and tried to leave" Said Zachary.

"You think I'm stupid? Like real shit Zachary get out my face, I don't want to hear shit you have to say, you lied to me" Fatima said slightly disappointing in him, trying to push past Zachary but he wasn't going for that. 

"I said chill out yo, I don't know what that broad is up to, she said her parents wanted my address so they could send me something, I said cool, her parents are cool peoples I didn't think too much of it"

"I already explained to her about you and my children I don't know why she felt the need to show her ass up here this late, I told her about herself and I simply removed myself" Zachary tells her truthfully.

"See that's your problem, you never think before you do shit.. she wanted your address just so she could have access to you, she doesn't care that you have a WHOLE ASS FAMILY" Fatima snapped.

"And you're probably right mamas, she played me. But what you and me have she can't come between that, so I'm need you to chill out, relax"

"Can you let me go please" Fatima said, trying to wiggle out of Zachary's embrace, " Is we good?" He asked, and Fatima nodded.

"I need words mamas, is we good?" He asked her again, "Yes Zachary, we are good" She said simply and Zachary removed his hands off of her, she left out the room and Zachary just threw his hands up.

"So you just gone sit down here, and pout like a little baby?" Zachary said talking to Fatima, as she sat on the couch with her blanket, in the dark.

A hour had passed, he give her some time to herself, while he showered and did his nightly routine.

"I'm not pouting, I'm just thinking Zachary" She said, Zachary jumped over the couch, and sat next to her as he laid her head on his chest. He rubbed through her hair, which was a bad idea because Fatima went straight to sleep.

"What's on your mind mamas, and be honest you don't have to hold back either" He said, he waited for her to respond but then he heard her snoring.

"This girl" He mumbles as he laughed in his head, he kissed her cheek. "I love you mamas" He whispered softly.

"Daddy, mommyyyy" Zamaris called out from the top of the steps, Zachary softly lifted Fatima's head on to the couch and got up to see what Zamaris wanted.

"Poppa what is you doing up?" Zachary asked, jogging up the steps to Zamaris.

"Me hungry daddy" Zamaris said in his sweet, little high pitched voice.

It seemed like Zamaris, Kasai, and Izzy was always hungry when it was time to go to bed, no matter how much they ate before bed, they still woke up hungry.

"Come on poppa, and be quiet because mommy is sleeping " Zachary said walking down the steps, and Zamaris was behind him.

"Mommy is sleeping daddy?" Zamaris asked, "Yes mommy is over there sleeping on the couch" Zac says and all you could hear is Zamaris feet tapping the floor as he ran over to his mother, he kissed her forehead before running back into the kitchen with his father.

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