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Saturday, 11:35 a.m.
-Fatima's point of view-

My man put it down on me last night, I can't even explain the feeling it was just so magical. The way we were just in rhythm, the way he moaned my name, the way we just fit, we fit. I've never felt anything like that before.

When I work up this morning Zachary was gone, but I knew he had full day today, since today was his mother birthday. I sent a quick message to the group chat that me, him and Jaycee were in, giving them my love.

I called Ms. Margret to check on my baby girl, at the time Izzy was down for a nap, Ms. Margret told me she'll call me back as soon as Izzy awakes. Then shortly after our phone call disconnected.

I checked my emails, and text messages before I was heading off to take my shower, going through my messages a "Unknown number" popped up, that said "36 attachments" I instantly clicked on the message thinking it was one of my clients sending me some ideas, but boy was I fucking wrong.

"What the fuck?!?" Fatima yelled, jumping out of bed. Analyzing every picture and videos she was just baffled, confused and angry.

From the pictures and videos, Eric and Belinda seemed genuinely happy, Fatima closed out the message app, going to her contacts and pressing Angela's contact name, the phone ranged four times before Angela answered.

"T, why is you calling me this early in the morning for?" Angela asked in her sleepy voice.

"Angela wake yo ass up now, I need to talk to you, like right now I'm about to take a shower and be on my way" Fatima's tells her sternly, she hang up the phone before Angela could say anything else.

Fatima took a quick shower,  then throwing on some leggings and a graphic shirt that she paired with some Jordans, she grabbed her purse, keys and phone and headed out.

Angela only lived 20 minutes away from Fatima, it was light traffic so Fatima got there in 12 minutes, by the time she got there Angela was waiting on the front porch for her, drinking coffee in her robe.

"Angela, bit-" Fatima stopped herself from talking when Belinda came out the front door.

"Angie, where the sugar at? Oh hey Fat-" before Belinda got the chance to finish her sentence, Fatima landed a punch directly into Belinda's face.

"FATIMA! Why the hell would you do that for " Angela yelled.

"This fake ass bitch is sleeping with Eric, and I was wondering why the fuck this nigga kept getting my phone number, because of this stupid bitch" Fatima spat.

"It's not even that serious Fatima, y'all was never together" Belinda managed to get out as she regained consciousness.

"Really B?" Angela questioned in a disappointed tone, "So rich, is really Eric. Wow bitch that's really low of you"

"It was a honest mistake, he came on to me and I just couldn't resist him, I'm sorry T, I hope we could still be friends after all this " Belinda says

"If you would of just came to me and was like "T, how you feel about me and such and such" I wouldn't even be this upset, but the fact you're hiding him, and telling him my business I can't fuck with that, like yo B you're Iz godmother, and this how you moving with her mother?"

" I'm not gone wish bad on you, I actually wish you the best Belinda, but you and I could never be what we use to be. I hope it was worth it" Fatima adds, lastly. Belinda didn't get the chance to say anything because Fatima walked away to her car and left.

"B, I don't know what's gotten into you these past couple months, but this ain't you. You just lost out on a great friend for a piece of dick, and he ain't even all that" Angela tells her

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