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L/N Y/N could be seen trudging in the hallway, looking for a place to eat the lunch his grandfather packed.

with the dining halls filled to the brim and people flocking the rooftop and staircases, it's a wonder how a prestigious school like hakuho could be this overflowing like the small container of syrup y/n is holding.

"ah... grandfather's sugar syrup..." y/n muttered, his voice flat, as he tried to wipe it with his thumb, only for more to drip.

he stares at his sticky finger, then the staircase ahead of him, and then back at his lunch box. with a newfound determination, the male begins walking upstairs.

as he reaches the intermediate landing connecting the two staircases, he finds a patch of snow-white hair leaning his side on the bannister, despite it being summer, he was wearing a hoodie underneath his blazer. the phone in his hand making noises y/n could only assume is from a shooting game.

'interesting... i don't know what's going on, but it's fascinating to watch.' y/n's footsteps halted so he could watch in silence at the stranger's device.

the stranger glances behind him at the same time y/n turns to stare at him when the screen writes out 'GAME OVER'.

"ah, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to peek."

the stranger stares at him for a moment before turning his head back to speak, "...it's fine, you can stay."

"...thank you."

y/n proceeded to walk past and sat an arm's length beside him.

'oh, it was upside down. no wonder...'

he thinks as he flips his sugar syrup container and wipes it with his finger before unpacking his lunch.

they do their own things without a word, the only sound being y/n's chopsticks and the same shooting noises from before.

that is until a stomach growl could be heard from a certain someone.

y/n stops eating and glances at the boy beside him, who's just tapping away as if nothing happened.

"you haven't had lunch?"

"not really, it's too much work." the male leans further into the railing, making his body droop a little.

"then you can have some of my cold soba."

the white-haired's fingers stop. gray eyes stare back at (e/c)s.

feeling scrutinized under his gaze, y/n speaks again, "only if you-"



"...it's a bother to eat later, so i'll accept your offer."

y/n wordlessly scoots over to him. he puts some of his noodles atop the lid of his lunch box, along with a pair of backup chopsticks, and he hands it over to him.

"...thank you." he sits up and bows slightly as he takes the lid.

"it's no problem."

as the stranger eats, though you can barely see it, he can't help but glance at how the boy next to him is tapping on the stairs they're sitting on with the fingers of his left hand.

unbeknownst to the game boy, the motion of his hands stops to fully focus his attention on the rhythm of y/n's fingers.

y/n notices his staring, "why aren't you eating?"

"you're not eating either."

y/n's eyes widen a little before instantly going back to their bored state. "well... i was just wondering... if you..." the fringes of his hair fall along with his head, "if... you'd like my grandfather to pack one more lunch to school since you find it a bother to find lunch. so..." his voice got smaller and smaller until he stopped.

the snow-haired boy follows y/n in bowing his head down. he doesn't know why, but he's starting to feel a little bashful like the latter, too.

"...if your grandpa doesn't mind."

y/n immediately snaps his head to look at him. "he wouldn't. he's a retired chef, so he'd be more than glad."

the boy glances back up to see a small glint in y/n's eyes. as if it was contagious, a glint follows to shine in his eyes.

"i'm nagi seishirou."

"i'm l/n y/n, pleased to meet you." y/n pulls out two containers and holds them out to seishirou, "it's warabi mochi with black sugar syrup. please... please be my friend."

seishirou clasps over both of y/n's hands and shakes them gently. "let's get along well, y/n."

even if it was just for a moment, those five words broke the impassive exterior y/n had since coming here. his eyes gleamed a little, and if seishirou squinted, joy radiated from his face.

both of them made a new friend at the end of lunch break.


"oh? you want me to prepare two lunch boxes from now on? what's this? what's this? you got a boyfriend now?" y/n's grandfather had his hands on his hips, and he grins with his eyes closed.

"oh, my! don't be like that! what if our y/n-kun gets all shy?" y/n's grandmother laughs out, ruffling y/n's hair.

"no, i just made a new friend." y/n stares blankly at them and pats down his hair.

"say less! i'll make a hundred lunches if my grandson asks!"

"calm down, honey, or else your hips will make that snapping sound again..."


english isn't my first language so i hope this was okay :)

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