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WHEN CLASSES have ended, the three friends go to the school's field for reo and seishirou (or reo dragging seishirou) to practice while y/n silently cheers them on from the sidelines.


seishirou takes the ball from reo with his feet, and directly goals, and then slumps to the ground. y/n softly claps at their performance before walking to the blob of white on the field, holding two water bottles in one hand and the other free.

"reo~ i'm tired." the blob whines and melts. he only manifests physically when a (s/c) hand reaches out to him.

as y/n pulls him up, reo approaches them and says, "then we'll stop here for today!"

"good work." y/n turns to hand their bottles. as he gives seishirou his, their fingertips briefly touch. keyword: briefly.

usually, after they're done for the day, they would part ways to go home, but reo seems to have a different idea today. "hey! hey! we should go to nagi's house today!" reo declares after chugging the whole bottle down his throat. in one go.

"sure." seishirou replies, eyes still on the finger(tip)s that brushed with y/n's.

"nice! are you coming, l/n?"

at the mention of the (h/c) male, grey eyes immediately snap to him, the bottle in his hand clutched a bit tighter.

"hmm...." y/n ponders, 'this would be a good time to give them the gifts.'

"i'm going to have to get something from home first. i'll follow after."

"too bad we can't walk there together! then, we'll go ahead first! see you! let's go, nagi!" reo waves both of his hands while walking past y/n.

seishirou stares at (e/c) eyes for a second before mumbling, "later."

y/n nods at them and begins to stride alone towards his destination.

upon arriving, a suspicious-looking black car was parked in front of his house. not at the street across, but directly in front of it. not only that, it was placed horizontally. y/n barely opens the gate to the path of how oddly narrow the space between it was.

'we barely get visitors though?'

the pathway leading into his home was surrounded by his grandmother's garden accompanied by a bamboo water fountain.

normally the sound of the bamboo rocker's arm hitting the rock would soothe him, but it's starting to unnerve him even more because of the strange vehicle outside. the thought of it makes him quicken his steps.

"i'm home- huh?" y/n slides the door hastily, revealing his grandparents and an unknown man sitting on the short-legged table together.

"oh, y/n-kun! you didn't say a friend of yours would be coming!" his grandmother's ever-booming voice echoes. his grandfather was smiling and laughing while pouring tea to a pale man with black hair and a pair of glasses.

"what friend?" y/n responds after quietly gasping for air.

"good afternoon, l/n y/n." the black-haired man passes him a nod. wow, his hair was more peculiar than y/n thought. no offence.

"...do i know you?"

"how could you? i was one of the players your parents' bank sponsored, ego jinpachi. i'm hurt."

y/n stands silent. he does remember his parents talking about sponsoring sports youth camps over dinner a long time ago. though, they didn't let him witness it as they were afraid he might spark an interest in anything other than being heir.

HEART TO HEART. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now