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PLEASE NOTE: off-page death of a parent, specifically a father. his cause of death is left blank on purpose.

there's also blood; a few drops and they're nothing serious. just chigiri and y/n things. but still, stay safe!



SOPHOMORE YEAR might go wild, but hyouma has no time to worry about that when he's trying to figure out if he and y/n will be in the same class for this year.

"damn it, I can't see anything." hyouma mumbles, standing on his toes for a glimpse of the announcement board.

though, he's quick to give up. he instead tries to push through the crowd with half-assed 'excuse me' apologies, only to be pushed back by a surge of more people.

it's too early for this shit.

unfortunately, back where he started, hyouma pats the dust off his uniform and sighs.

it's not his height that's the problem, people just don't understand the concept of first come first serve. hyouma has no flaws, thanks.

"you're in class b, and I'm in class a. that's too bad." y/n mutters beside him. hyouma would joke about y/n appearing out of thin air being one of his cult witchcrafts if it weren't for y/n and his mighty one-hundred-and-seventy-centimetres self being able to effortlessly see the board hyouma was desperately fighting for.

"oh." hyouma's pathetic one-hundred-and-sixty-three centimetres self mutters. he's not even that short, he's literally one centimetre above average. it's just y/n who's ridiculously tall, damn it. whatever y/n is being fed at home, hyouma wants it. not a need because again, hyouma has no flaws.

nothing wrong with short people, by the way. hyouma just can't relate.

"what are we gonna do?" y/n asks, turning and leaning his head down to catch hyouma's eye, and hyouma is given a chance to experience a fraction of what short people go through daily. "we're in different classes again this year."

"it's fine." hyouma brushes him off. please do not lean down, y/n. it's making him feel things. "we're still on the same soccer team."

y/n droops. not really but what the fuck. "but we haven't been in the same class for one year."

hyouma rolls his eyes. maybe it's time to stop with these bunch of sentences in between dialogues, it makes hyouma's feelings a bit tad exposed.

platonic feelings, he clarifies.

"what about it? we were in the same class for, like, three years in grade school," hyouma says.

"it was six," says y/n out of fucking nowhere.

"the hell? since when?"

"for as long as i remember."

"well, sure," hyouma huffs. "but we became friends in fourth grade, so it's three."

y/n smiles faintly. "yeah, we became friends."

what a weirdo.

hyouma turns around and power walks to nowhere. anywhere is fine with the provision that y/n doesn't see his frown accompanied by reddening cheeks.

what a freaking weirdo.

"hyouma, where are we going?" y/n asks, catching up to his briskening pace.

"i just need some fresh air." hyouma says.

"oh, did the crowd suffocate you that much?"

hyouma halts, and y/n nearly stumbles backwards. "what do you mean by 'that much?'"

HEART TO HEART. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now