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'HE'S FAST,' y/n thinks when he sees a man wearing glasses score a goal. he glances at the purple-red snap hair clip in his hands, and caresses it as it shines beneath the fluorescent tubes' light. would he sneer at him if he told him someone may be faster than him?

the blowing whistle brings him out of his reverie. he blinks away his thoughts before glancing at the field before him, and catches seishirou and reo turning their heads towards the corner of the field. the scoreboard is up there, yet why do they keep looking at him each time the ball hits team y's net?

reo has his hands up in the air. y/n lifts a hand for a wave of his own. grinning even wider, reo gestures his index fingers on his lips to curve a smile. behind him, seishirou makes a wave of his own, albeit slower and quickly to let his hand fall to his side.

glancing back and forth between the cell thing and reo and seishirou, the fast guy looks at the two weirdly. y/n can't hear what he's saying to them, but he can only guess after seeing how fast reo's smile falters, dropping into a comical frown.

but just as reo opens his lips to retort, they get called for the play to be restarted with a kick-off.

reo glares at the guy, and snaps his head to grin at y/n again before finally grabbing seishirou's hand, and stomping over to the other side.

he's kind of silly, y/n thinks.

y/n's thumb goes back to rub itself against the hair clip almost mindlessly. the hair clip reflects the events of last night; how fast he ran to find the trinket last night, the way he clings onto the trinket when he finds it in his treasure box, the coldness of it piercing the warmth of his fingers the moment he touches it.

but most of all, the colour. a beautiful shade of crimson, the one a carnation in bloom can have, the one that feels like silk against his fingers.

the light illuminates the small scratch on the side of the magenta hair clip. y/n doesn't remember when it got there, and that clenches his heart a little more than it should.

he digs his memories for a clue, but all he gets are the small smiles that follow after someone when he snaps the clip on his fringes.

y/n wonders what he should do when he's not allowed another chance to be at the receiving end of those small smiles anymore.

sighing, he runs a hand through his hair as he glares at the hair clip. it's not its fault that things have come like this for y/n and him, in fact, it was one of the things that bonded them the most.

another sigh escapes him. the movement is all too familiar and light on his fingers as he snaps the hair clip open. he purses his lips before finally deciding on something, and snaps the hair clip on his hair.

he moves his gaze back to the field, and finds a bunch of bangs in the distance facing towards him.

y/n may not be able to see his eyes, but he can feel the judging stare from afar. and also an intense heat beginning to radiate from his own face.

in response to fight-or-flight, y/n skims his eyes across the faux turf, only to turn around and realise the exit is behind him.

he looks back at the guy staring at him, and the guy shakes his head so rapidly y/n is starting to worry that his bangs may be pushed away to reveal his eyes. y/n doesn't think the guy would want that, so he takes that as a cue to leave, and he has never walked out faster in his life.

the speed y/n rips the hair clip off his head the moment he's outside can be rivalled with the speed of the guy from before.

'none of this would've happened if i watched from the control room.'

HEART TO HEART. blue lockWhere stories live. Discover now