Seven minutes in heaven Au

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It was ten past seven and Eren was just outside his friend, Annie's house ready for her annual high school party she threw each year. Turning seventeen only just a few weeks ago, Eren started to feel strong feelings about his crush, Mikasa. The two of them had been best pals since childhood, Armin being the one who introduced them both. Butterflies were in his stomach each time he saw her, smiling with her breathtakingly lovely grey eyes.

When Eren tried to hang out with Mikasa, there were times when it got awkward when the two of them were watching movies on the couch sitting beside each other, or sitting on the school bus together, the close contact was killing him on the inside with how much love he had for the girl.

Very few people knew about his crush on her, but Mikasa didn't, that scared Eren because he was afraid that she'd turn and run as fast she could away from him if she were ever to find out.

"Have a fun time sweetie! Be sure to let me know who you end up with!" His mother squealed, only for Eren to sigh and wave back just heading to the door. He wore a black and white suit with a white scarf on his neck, and his hair tied up in a bun. Eren went right up to the door and knocked three times, pacing back and forth, till the door opened letting music jam into his ears.

"Eren! You came, welcome. I hope it's not too awkward for you. I know you don't like big crowds."

"It's okay Annie."

"You look handsome... I bet all the girls would be over you in seconds." Annie joked, making him smile a little. She'd had no clue he was into Mikasa.

"Th-Thank you. Is Mikasa here?"

"Yeah she's in the garden by herself, she's been feeling a little low... says she's, questioning herself?"

Instantly he thought it was about their friendship. But he shook his head, denying it and headed on to the party. Beers were flying everywhere, balloons were high up the ceiling, and music was pumping. Eren looked to see Armin and Connie carrying a drunken Jean to a chair and Eren laughed a little, seeing Jean's stupidity. He got a cup of gin for himself, getting an extra one for Mikasa, as he went to the screen door and slid it open seeing Mikasa leaning over a wooden fence that saw a long stretch of grass.

Eren froze seeing her outfit, a red-hearted, open-back, knotted dress with a breathtaking short hairstyle she recently had for the night. Eren felt those butterflies creep up again wanting to see this majestic angel.

"Hey, there cutie, what's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" Eren said, cringing at himself.

'Why did I say cutie?!' Eren then saw her turn around, with a huge smile on her face and a slight layer of pink on her cheeks, she was probably embarrassed.

"Eren! Thank goodness you're here, now I can have some actual fun. All the girls here are putting me off."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well they're talking about how I'm the ugliest in the school and it's starting to piss me off."

"Don't take notice of them, they're just jealous."

"Of what me?" She questioned as Eren handed her gin to her as she took a sip. The stars were perfectly aligned looking like a horizon poster he'd get from an artist's shop. Eren took a sip of his gin too, squinting his eyes because of how strong the alcohol was.

"Ugh, this gin is too strong. Annie buys the strongest type."

"I'm with you on that, although you can't deny, its divine taste is worth it."

"Yeah... not as worthy as you are."


"Oh! Nothing, just mumbling to myself." Eren quickly lied, as she stared at him for a second, then took another sip. Eren stared at her dress while she wasn't looking, loving how tight it was around her, his mind was being inappropriate tonight, he knew it was rude, but couldn't help but look at her beautiful body.

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