Embarrassing problem

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(Not my artwork)

Eren was walking around trying to find Mikasa, who was missing from the barracks. It was early in the morning and Mikasa trained first thing when she woke up. Like most women, Mikasa was due for her period, but she tried to stomach it, and carry out her usual workout. Mikasa didn't like showing weakness in front of others, she thought it made her pathetic. Seeing as her reputation earned her the respect of most of the regiment, she didn't want to lose it to a stupid cramp.

She tried doing sit-ups but she felt her abs cramp and she winced falling on her back. Her eyes felt watery as she gritted her teeth, wiping them with her wrapped-up hand. She tried again, feeling her whole body shake, thinking it would snap if she went any further. She let out a cry and fell back again. Just as her situation couldn't get any worse, the door opened revealing Eren who looked with a disappointed expression.

"Mikasa... again?"

"Leave me alone Eren." She mumbled as she got up to her feet going over to the table where her scarf was. Eren closed the door and came down the steps, looking over at the stool which was drenched in sweat. Eren hated it when Mikasa put herself through this pain. She was so stubborn, and Eren no matter how hard he tried, couldn't get Mikasa to stop.

"Mikasa, you're straining yourself. There's no use putting yourself through more pain. Everyone gets ill."

"It's not that! It's... embarrassing. I shouldn't have to deal with this." Mikasa clenched her fist, trying to alleviate the pain she was experiencing. Eren softened his eyes knowing what this was, and remembered that it was that time of the month. He remembers the first time it happened to her, back when they were little.

Six years ago...

It was a late night in the orphanage in Wall Rose, and all the children were sleeping or up with lamps on talking to each other. Mikasa was lying down with her blanket, her face peeking out from the cover, looking at Eren from across the room who was asleep. She wished she could cuddle with him like she used to when they lived with his parents, but was often refused by Eren's lack of affection. Soon she began feeling an ache in her stomach as she clenched her stomach, whimpering quietly to not draw attention to herself. She didn't eat anything gross or starve herself to cause such a painful sensation, only when she felt something wet down her legs, was when she got scared. She pulled the cover off, her eyes were in horror seeing blood, as she screamed in terror.

All the kids were either woken up or scared at the screaming of Mikasa, none going over to see how she was. Eren was woken up by the horrifying scream, seeing Mikasa crying as he shot up awake, running over to her.

"Mikasa?! What's the mat-?" Eren stopped seeing the blood on Mikasa, as he instantly started to panic. Flashes of his mother being eaten by that Titan began to flood his mind, remembering her blood that landed around them as he was dragged away. He lost everything in one day. Mikasa and Armin were all he had left, and he was damned if he was gonna lose them too.

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