So precious Au

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It was springtime, and Eren had just arrived home from a long day's work. He'd been working overtime a lot recently, picking up the slack from his wife who was too depressed to go back to work. They'd lived together for eight years and had been married for four years. Mikasa wanted to start a family with Eren, but after multiple attempts, Mikasa couldn't get pregnant. They visited a doctor to find out what was wrong with her, and it turned out she a had condition that prevented her from conceiving a baby. She was heartbroken. Not being able to have children shattered her.

Eren walked into the living room seeing her on the rocking chair, in her white and pink dress. She had bags under her eyes, and she was skinny from not eating enough. Eren had suggested she'd see a therapist but she refused, wanting only Eren to know their problems. Eren didn't know what else to do, he'd run out of ideas to try and make her feel better. Only bring a shoulder to cry on. He knelt beside her, as she looked at him with her blank expression.

"Sweetie... you're starting to scare me. You haven't been eating and you've barely been sleeping. I don't want you getting sick when I'm at work."

"I'm sorry... I know I've been selfish lately. But it's just not fair! Why out of all the women in the world, why me?!" Mikasa cried as Eren held her hand rubbing it softly. These two had been through the toughest months of their lives, wanting a miracle to happen to them. Eren then heard an angry voice outside as he pulled the blinds down to see a father shouting at his daughter, who was trying to get away from him. She looked dirty, not very clean, and had some bruises on her face. She was calling out for help, hoping someone would answer her call. Mikasa got up as she saw the little girl in terror of her monster of a father. She then got backhanded by the dad, as Mikasa saw red as she felt this overwhelming strength come over as she rushed out the door, Eren following her not wanting her to get hurt.


"Get lost bitch! This doesn't concern you!"

"What's your deal man?! She's just a fucking kid!" Eren frowned as he got in front of his partner, not wanting her hurt. This guy looked dangerous, even had some blood on his knuckles. Eren looked back down at the girl, as she was crying in a ball.

"Get your ass up! We're leaving!" He ordered as she looked back up at him and walked backwards trembling, but she shook her head shakily.

"What did you say?"

The little girl screamed throwing her plushie at him, as he grew angry and balled up his fist. He went to smack her but Mikasa punched the guy in the face knocking him out, as she stared heatedly into his face. Mikasa then looked over at the blonde girl, as she looked up in shock, seeing someone hit her father. She came over as the little girl backed away, but Mikasa softened her voice going into her mother instincts and cupping the girl's cheek.

"Shhh... it's okay sweetheart, it's over now."

She tried to talk but, her voice was so quiet she could barely utter a word.

"Shh, I know baby, I know." Mikasa pulled the girl into a hug while Eren called the authorities, to have this guy arrested. The police came and cuffed the crazy man, while paramedics were looking over the girl, seeing she had bruises on her body and face, the kind that couldn't be inflicted by herself. She was being abused by her father. This was enough evidence so that she could be relieved of custody from that horrible man. The girl then got taken to the hospital to be looked after before she would be placed in an orphanage.

"Well, at least we did something good."

"I'm just glad that she'll find something better than that waste of space of a father. Although... I am quite gutted." Mikasa admitted making Eren cock an eyebrow.

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