Portal Jacked!

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"Oh yeah!" Mikey says. We were getting ready to raid Run of the Mill Pizza. Right before closing time.

"Gotta make it to Run of the Mill Pizza before closing time!" Raph says explaining the plan again.

",Mhm..." Donnie hums. "I can't wait for the new meatless option: Vegetable Pizza!" Donnie says with hunger in his voice.

"Whatever the pizza it may be!" I yell happily. "I WILL DEVOUR IT WHOLE!"

"Say no more mis hermanos!" Leo says coming from behind us.

"Huh?'' We all look towards him. He had his odaics in his hands

"I'll use my ultra reliable portaling sword to get us there." He gives us a finger gun and I imteidly start pankicng. Leo was the one who wasn't the one who trained and sorta winged it. He was going to portal us to the bottom of the sea! "HACHI MACHI!" He yells as he sways himself and his sword above him creating a circle.

"NONONONONONONONON" We all yell trying to backaway but it was too late. It sucked us all like a vacuum as the portal swallowed us whole.

The blue portal fills me with a sorta of tingling sensation. I squeeze my eyes tightly and hope that I don't end up in space. Then a cold hand grabs me and I get dragged down. I quickly open my eyes to see a hand pulling me out of the blue portal.

I tried to scramble away but it was too late and they yanked me out. Cold air hits my skin and I fall on something hard.

I quickly open my eyes and reach for my weapon. I was on an old fashioned boat that looked quite old. Also it appeared that I was in the hidden city.

"Woah calm down there Lassie." I heard a voice say. They had a funky accent sorta like a ...pirate accent! I looked up at them and they had a blue tone. They had funky eyes that were kinda like goats but they looked silly. They also had a long tail. They wore a massive pirate hat and had a coat.

"Uh..." I say dumbfounded.

"A HUMAN!" I heard someone screech. I turned their way to see a whole crowd of mutants who also had a pirate flair to them. They all grabbed their weapons and pointed it at me. They all snared their teeth at me.

What I'm guessing is the captain stepped forward.

"What is a human doing here..."The captain gets all close in my face. I glared right back at him and I held my ground.

"Phreaps she found an entryway to the hidden city father." I heard someone say who looked like the captain but more feminine and smaller. She wore a bandana and wore a sorta pirate-y cloak.

"Perhaps they have.." The captain looks at me closer before leaving.

"What am I doing here?" I demand. Even though I was in no place to make demands. "And where are my brothers?!"

The (what am guessing a salamander) Sighs. "We didn't mean to take you girl..." He puts his hand on the sides of his head as if he had a migraine.

"Then why am I here?' I give them a suspicious look.

"We didn't mean to take you. We are pirates, we take things, but in this case for your human brain. We take things from portals that you have fallen into." The salamander pokes my head.

"HEY!" I growl pushing his hand off of me. " I know what, and where we are." I cross my arms. "I'm not stupid."

"The human knows..." I hear a low growl come from the small crowd of yokai. A huge mutant dog...wolf? Things come from it. It looked like it was starved and had unusual pointy teeth. "I suggest we put an end to its puny existence..." He looks at me with bloodlust in his eyes.

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