It Could All Be So Simple

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Wednesday, November 25, 2012


Bills, bills, and more bills.  The Studio, Corrine's dance building, had been struggling now more than anything and it was causing her nothing but stress.  Worst of all, she had to handle that all on her own, despite paying half of the bills in her own home.  The prices at The Studio are made affordable for the students whose families, or single mothers, were of low income would've had the opportunity to attend classes.  Though she didn't regret her decision, she was starting to realize the consequences of her actions.

The only solution to her problem would be to ask Richard if he could help her out just this once-- but that was way easier said than done.  Richard had expressed on many occasions his dislike for her dance studio.  It was only natural that she would be apprehensive to asking him for assistance.

"Ugh," she groaned before leaning back in the kitchen chair as she waited for Richard to come home.  

Their situation had improved by baby steps.  They were actually holding conversations with each other, though the dialogue was about as shallow as a street puddle.  But something is better than nothing.  They were slowly getting their marriage back on track.

Not even five minutes later, she heard the opening and closing of the front door, followed by the crescendo of his heavy footfalls.  Richard entered the kitchen with a slight grin already on his lips, but it stretched once his eyes landed on his wife.  Sometimes he had to remember just how beautiful she was.

From the deep brown tone of her skin which contrasted against the peach colored blouse, to her coily spirals which she had managed to pull into a professional bun--save for the few independent tendrils which framed her heart-shaped face.

He sauntered over to Corrine, at the same time she rose to greet him, and waisted no time embracing her semi-tall frame.  He placed one loving kiss on her forehead and one on her lips. 

Corrine looked up into the happy green eyes of her husband and lifted a questioning eyebrow.  "What's up with you today?"  He chuckled.  "Not that I'm complaining or anything.  This is just...different." 

"Nothing, just sometimes I forget how lucky I am."

Corrine playfully scrunched her face with fake confusion as she dramatically placed her hand over his forehead as if she was checking for a fever.  "You sure you're alright, baby?"  They both shared a light laugh, still enjoying the close proximity of one another.

Her mind drifted back to her dilemma with The Studio.  Based off of the good mood that he was obviously in, this would be the best time to bring it up.  Once she got the words formed in the right order, she opened her mouth to spit them out-- only to be beaten to the punch by Richard's announcement. 

"Connor and a couple of the guys from the precinct invited us out for dinner tonight at eight," he glanced at his watch.  "You know how long it takes for you to be ready, soooo..."  She got the hint and playfully rolled her eyes before walking towards the stairs.  He gave her a smack on the behind as he followed her to the room.

Two hours later, Richard was sitting in the living room, two seconds away from dragging Corrine downstairs so they could finally leave.  "Five more minutes was an hour ago," he grumbled ruffling his dark locks.

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