Tug of War

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Saturday, February 10, 2013


Corrine wore a floor length dress. It was black with satin material that that clung to every contour of her toned body. The dress was shoulder-less yet long sleeved and there was a teasing slit on the right side of the dress stopping at mid thigh. Her heels were closed toed and silver sequinned with a strap wrapping around the ankle. Their four inch height added a curve to her legs, making the leg that was showing all the more tantalizing.

She decided to do a low maintenance style on her hair and allowed her curls to hang free with a part down the middle. She added some curl creme to give her a looser appearance. Russian Roulette by M.A.C. coated her lips. Giving herself a once over for the last time, she viewed herself head to toe deciding that she was "tempting but not tangible", before gathering her clutch that matched her shoes and her trench coat.

Her nerves were running wild, her mind mulled endlessly over the countless ways in which this "date" with Bleu could backfire and blow up in her face. Especially considering the shit that she had to go through with Richard when he had a wandering eye. Now here she was doing the exact same thing. She was a hypocrite. Do I really want to do this? She found herself wondering as she descended the stairs. Just this one time and then I'll be done with this--with him, she tried to convince herself.

Just as Corrine reached for the knob to the door, Richard finally made an appearance. His face donned a bright smile which soon morphed into a look of confusion once taking in the outfit his wife was wearing. They hadn't made plans to go out-- or had they and he'd just forgotten? Corrine's heart pounded with anxiety as she schooled her expression into a cooler one. "Hey, babe. I thought you said you got off at nine today."

"No, that was yesterday. I do remember saying that I wanted us to spend some time together today, but I don't think I had any plans of going anywhere so I'm guessing you're not looking like this for me?" He questioned as his gaze became suspicious, eyeing her attire yet again. In the years that he and Corrine had been together, it was very seldom that she went out without him--and most certainly not looking like that.

"Actually no," She drug out attempting to think quickly. "I was planning on going out with Val tonight for an impromptu girl's night."

"You were planning on going out...with Val...dressed like this?" His eyebrow arched, voice laced with doubt.

"Yeah, her husband gave her a little extra spending money and she decided that there was a fancy restaurant that she wanted to go to." The lies just kept spewing from her mouth as if she was a well trained politician.

"And you didn't think that this was something that could've been run by me first?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were my father and I had to ask for permission just to go anywhere without being on your arm." In a panic, she flipped the situation.

Richard's agitation grew at the fact that Corrine had tried to turn this into something it clearly was not. "I meant that it would've been wonderful if I was given a heads up considering that I wanted to spend time with you--you know like you've been bitching at me about--but now you're blowing me off for your friend." He added an unpleasant emphasis on friend.

"Is this just because you don't like her?" She flipped the situation again. "Grow up Richard. And besides, it's not like I go out practically every weekend like you do with Connor. You can come and go as you please, but I have to run shit by you?" She huffed angrily before brushing past him. "Whatever Richard, I'll see you when I get back. Don't wait up."

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