The Lies She Told

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February 11, 2013


The baritone timbre of Bleu's voice shook Corrine from her slumber like an alarm clock.  He was coming from the en suite bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower waist, while he texted away on his phone.  Dazed, she watched with pure admiration.  Her stomach fluttered instantly brought back to their moment the previous night.  It wasn't like the sex they'd had in past encounters, it was different in the nature--it was deeper.  More emotional and passionate, much less than lusty fucking.

He was patient, tender, and attentive.  Always making sure that she was getting pleasure as well.  There was eye contact and more touching; when they kissed, she felt it within her chest.  Like it was meant to happen.  She felt it throughout her entire being and she was positive that he felt it, too.   

Almost as if...they'd  made love.

She snapped out of her foggy haze, noticing that Bleu had now been staring back.  Instantly, she remembered that she probably looked a mess considering that she had slept without a bonnet.  She was convinced her hair was a matted mess.  Instantly she began to feel self conscious.

"Good morning, mi bella."  he greeted with a half grin.  "The morning after look suits you well, I must say." 

Embarrassment caused her cheeks to heat so she hid her face behind the sheets.  "Oh my God."  

He laughed at her newfound bashfulness.  "Come on now, don't be like that.  It was a compliment."  She moved the sheets and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, lifting an eyebrow as if to say 'really'.  "Kind of."  They both chuckled.

"What time is it?"  Corrine groaned, stretching her limbs as Bleu made his way to his side of the bed.  For a moment he stared at the exposed top half of her body before he was able to give her an answer.

"A little bit after seven."  He spoke after clearing his throat.

"Shit."  She'd gotten so lost in Bleu that she'd forgotten about Richard, her husband.  She couldn't decide if she was irritated or worried, but she still climbed out of the bed to get dressed.  She took a deep breath preparing herself for the inevitable walk of shame, something she hadn't done since college.

Bleu crept up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing kisses on the side of her neck.  She inhaled his fresh scent, wishing that they could remain like this for a little longer but they couldn't.  She had to go home to the man whose last name she shared, Bleu had business moves to make.  "I'm only going to tolerate you going home to him for so long, mi bella.  Choose wisely." he pecked her check before letting her go.

Corrine pulled up to the house in record time, immediately parking and running up the cobblestone pathway.  She impatiently rung the doorbell, willing Val to hurry up.  The whole point of me calling ahead of time was to avoid this, she thought.   The door swung open, revealing her curly haired friend.

"I'm coming girl da--," Val stopped her initial sentence upon taking in the condition that Corrine stood in.  "Damn.  What the fuck happened to you last night, bitch?"  Corrine rolled her eyes, shoving past Val's scrutiny.

 "I have no time to explain right now.  I need to use your shower and borrow some clothes so I can get myself together really quick."  

"Mmhm," Val said suspiciously with her arms crossed.  "I got you. Go ahead, but you better be ready to fill me in since I'm your alibi, babe."

The women were in Val's bedroom  with Val seated comfortably on the bed and Corrine In front of the mirror attempting to fix her hair.  "So?  I'm waiting."  Corrine peered through the mirror at Val's expectant expression.  

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