Snakes II

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The lyrics don't necessarily match this chapter, but I love the beat.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, April 1, 2013


Connor was hunched over his desk, fiddling with his pencil--an obvious nervous twitch.  The pressure was on for him in more ways than one.  He had to look over his shoulders to make sure Bleu hadn't began his manhunt; Internal Affairs was determined to weed out all of the crooked cops in Precinct 18; and most importantly, he needed to come up with a new plan to save his ass from the tangled web that he'd trapped himself.  

"O'Riley," the chief called, startling Connor from his pondering.  "You mind if I speak to you for a moment?"  The chief's mouth formed a thin, serious line.  It wasn't a question in the least.  He stood tall with his arms crossed, salt and pepper hair looking as if he'd been running his fingers through it all day.  Connor nodded, quickly following behind Chief Wallis into his office where an Internal Affairs agent awaited them.

The agent was a middle aged white man with a severely receded hairline.  He was still of lean build, but a few inches shorter than Connor--who was only 5'10" to begin with.  This didn't stop him from sizing Connor up before sticking his arm out for him to shake.  "Detective, I am James Townsand with the Internal Affairs, nice to meet you.  I am truly sorry about your partner, hopefully we can get some serious time for his wife."

Connor reciprocated the handshake.  "Yeah, hopefully."  He muttered softly, swallowing the lump in his throat, which had been mainly for Corrine.  He couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was that he was feeling for her at the moment.  

Maybe it was pity because the Corrine he knew wouldn't last in prison, and definitely not for a crime they both knew she didn't commit.  Maybe it was anger because though she may not have done it with her hands, she had something to do with his best friend's death.  Or betrayal because in his head, he'd imagined things playing out completely different:  Corrine would've gave Bleu up and, with Richard gone, he'd be there to comfort her.

"Let's cut straight to it, shall we?"  The agent announced, reclaiming his leather seat.  The other men followed his lead.  "I've asked Chief Wallis if he would mind me recruiting a few trustworthy officers to assist in identifying any strange behavior from their peers.  Honestly, as expected, I didn't get too many responses.  Detective, you and your partner were among the most trusted, according to Chief Wallis, out of pretty much everyone else."

Connor had an inkling as to what was about to happen.  Agent Townsand leaned a couple inches forward as f telling a secret.  "So what I want to ask of you is no different.  The only difference is that I'm expecting a better answer from you."

He peeked up at the chief who nodded his head, keeping his face stern, letting Connor know that he had already been volunteered.  Why? He had no clue, but something told him turning the agent's request down wouldn't have been wise.  He sighed running his fingers through his low cut hair.  It was clear where he stood.  "If I see anything I'll be sure to notify you, but that's all I'm doing."

Agent Townsand grinned, agreeing to Connor's terms.  The short-in-height-but-tall-in-ego man stuck his hand out once more to seal the deal before tipping his imaginary hat towards the chief and leaving.  "What the hell, Chief?  You volunteered me?"

"O'Riley, did you see how arrogant that prick was?  That's all I've been dealing with on top of every-fucking-thing else.  I just want these assholes out of our hair as soon as possible and that wasn't going to happen if everyone kept declining."  

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