Hocus Pocus

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Monday, March 23, 2013

5:30 p.m.

It had been over a week since his mother's funeral and Richard still hadn't been able to cope with the loss of his mother.  For a while, it had only been him and her.  She loved him unconditionally.  No matter how much death is expected, it's not always accepted, especially when it comes to loved ones.

He was attempting to find other methods of coping besides drinking.  He couldn't bring himself to glance in the direction of alcohol knowing that it was behind the final nail in the coffin for his marriage.  One of the ways was of course, work.  The other way was between the legs of his favorite red headed concubine, Kyle.  He saw no use in cutting her off seeing as how Corrine planned to leave him anyway.

"Are you still moping around, Rich?"  Connor asked as he stepped into his home catching Richard sprawled on the couch.  He'd been neglecting to trim him beard and now had the appearance of a homeless man.  

"How exactly am I supposed to act when it hasn't even been an entire month since my mother died?  On top of that I have other bullshit to worry about so you'll have to excuse me if I'm not the happiest camper for awhile."  Richard irritably snapped.

Connor held his hands up in surrender while he secured a spot next to his friend.  "I know that loosing someone especially your mother is hard, but you can't let this sorrow eat away at your spirit like this.  It's not healthy.  Go home to Corrine; try to seek comfort in your wife."

Richard snorted sardonically.  "That wouldn't do me any good considering she's leaving me."

"What?"  Even though he knew it was only a matter of time before it happened, but it was still a shocker nonetheless.

"Yup.  She initially told me that I should expect her gone after the funeral, but I suppose after seeing how bad I was taking it she decided to stay to help me grieve.  I give it a week tops before she goes."  Richard shamefully cast his glance down to his lap.

Connor desperately wanted to tell Richard that this was all his doing, however he knew that it would've been inappropriate timing.  Instead, he pat his friend on the shoulder  and said nothing more.  What else could he possibly say?  They sat in wordless, consumed by the solemn silence as Richard processed his life.

"I'm going to go get us some beers.  I might get you two."

Just as Connor headed for the kitchen, Richard's phone vibrated in his pocket.  He begrudgingly fetched the phone from his pocket and answered already knowing the identity of the caller.  "Yeah?"

"We got some details to discuss that I'd prefer us to talk in person about.  Expect me at your home in an hour or so."  In usual Bleu form, he was straight to the point.

"I thought we agreed that we weren't doing that...there anymore,"  He paused not wanting to expose the conversation as Connor took his seat again and placed a Bud Light in front of him.

"I don't give a fuck, I'll see you in an hour."

Richard clenched the phone in his hand tempting to break it. "You good, Rich?" Connor grew concerned when he observed the change in his friend's mood from shitty to pissed.

He took a deep breath before he responded.  "Yeah, I'm good just...stuff with Corrine.  I'm gonna head home now.  Thanks for letting me treat your home like it's mine."

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