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words: 2127

Katsuki stood outside the school, the cool wind rustling through his unruly hair. His tie hung loosely around his neck, a symbol of the day's liberation from the formalities of the classroom. He leaned against a sturdy picnic table, taking a seat on the bench, grateful for the end of the first day of school.

In the solitude of the outdoors, he allowed himself a moment of reprieve. He fished a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it with a practiced hand. The acrid scent of smoke mingled with the fresh air, a small indulgence that helped calm his frayed nerves.

As he took a drag, watching the sky change hues, he couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The encounter with Izuku, the reluctant acceptance of the party invitation—it was a step into the unknown, a path he was hesitant but willing to tread. For now, in this quiet moment, he let the tension of the day fade, finding solace in the simple act of exhaling a plume of smoke into the evening air.

Sometimes, amidst the gentle puffs of smoke that escaped his lips, Katsuki wished for something beyond mere release. He yearned for the power to turn the sky dark and cloudy, to mirror the tempest that often raged within him. The gray clouds would obscure the cotton candy hues, a reflection of the complex emotions he grappled with daily.

He imagined the clouds thickening, carrying the weight of his thoughts and frustrations. Rain would fall, a cleansing downpour to wash away the burden of the day, cleansing the slate for a new beginning. The storm would be fierce yet cathartic, a testament to the intensity of his desires and the need for release.

But reality held its grip, and the sky remained untouched by his desires. So he exhaled another puff of smoke, wishing for a metaphorical storm that would eventually cleanse his soul of the upheaval he carried within.

As Katsuki continued to lean against the picnic table, lost in his thoughts, he was suddenly interrupted by a boisterous voice that brought him back to the present. "Yo, Bakugo! Long time no see!"

He turned to see Kirishima, an old friend from last year, approaching with his characteristic wide grin. Katsuki offered a nod in response, acknowledging the greeting. The contrast between Kirishima's vibrant energy and his own brooding disposition was stark.

"Yeah, been busy," Katsuki replied curtly, trying to brush off the isolation he had imposed upon himself over the summer.

Kirishima picked up on the terseness and nudged him playfully. "Well, we gotta catch up soon. It's not the same without you, man."

A pang of guilt and regret tugged at Katsuki. He knew he had shut himself off from everyone, even those he considered friends. "Yeah, maybe," he muttered, unable to hide the conflicted emotions that swirled within.

Kirishima, ever the considerate friend, took a seat next to Katsuki, his face etched with concern. He couldn't ignore the obvious signs of distress that Katsuki had carried with him throughout the day.

"That's not good for you, ya know?" Kirishima remarked, nodding toward the cigarette between Katsuki's fingers. "And locking yourself up all summer? You've gotta open up to someone, man."

Katsuki exhaled a plume of smoke, his irritation evident. "I've got it handled, Kirishima."

Kirishima's gaze remained unwavering, his determination to break through Katsuki's walls palpable. "No one's saying you can't handle it, but we're your friends. We're here for you, through thick and thin."

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