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words: 2532

Katsuki and Kirishima sat across from each other in their customary spot at a secluded corner of a quiet park. The spot was a hidden gem, tucked away amidst a cluster of trees and shrubs, shielded from the prying eyes of the world. A small wooden bench stood under the canopy of an ancient oak, its surface weathered but smooth from years of use.

The sunlight filtered through the branches, casting dappled patterns of light and shade upon the ground. The air carried a faint scent of earth and greenery, soothing to the senses. The rustling leaves whispered secrets of seasons past, as if sharing tales of resilience and growth.

Around them, nature flourished—a tapestry of colors and textures. Vibrant flowers adorned the edges of the clearing, their hues ranging from the fiery reds of autumn to the soft pastels of spring. The grass underfoot felt cool and inviting, a natural carpet that welcomed weary souls.

In this peaceful oasis, time seemed to slow, granting a respite from the hurried pace of everyday life. The sense of seclusion offered a sanctuary where conversations could flow freely, unburdened by the weight of judgment. It was a place where friendships grew stronger, and worries melted away in the embrace of camaraderie.

As Katsuki and Kirishima settled into their familiar nook, the world outside seemed to fade, leaving only the comforting presence of a good friend and the promise of a momentary escape from the trials of their respective lives. Here, in this tranquil haven, they found solace, if only for a little while.

Katsuki and Kirishima shared a joint, their usual ritual in this secluded park. The paper crackled softly as they lit it, and the familiar scent of cannabis filled the air, mingling with the natural fragrances of the surroundings. The first inhale brought a momentary sharpness, followed by a mellow wave of relaxation.

They passed the joint back and forth, the gentle drag of the smoke mingling with the ease of conversation. The effects started to set in—a gentle haze that seemed to soften the edges of reality. For Katsuki, it was a momentary escape from the tumultuous thoughts that often plagued his mind.

The park transformed into a haven of tranquility. The colors seemed more vivid, the rustling leaves more melodious. The cares of the world faded into the background, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and a shared understanding. As the smoke danced in the air, so did the burdens of the day.

Kirishima, feeling the effects of the weed and emboldened by the relaxed atmosphere, leaned forward slightly and asked, "Hey, Bakugo, what's been eating at you lately?"

Katsuki, exhaling a plume of smoke, scowled a little but opened up, his words more candid due to the haze of marijuana. "Just... life, you know? It's been a damn rollercoaster. Feeling like I'm losing control."

Kirishima nodded, taking another drag. "I get that. It's like we're all trying to find our footing in this crazy world, and sometimes it just feels impossible."

"Yeah, exactly," Katsuki agreed, his gaze drifting to the sky as if seeking solace in the shifting clouds. "And it doesn't help that everyone's moving forward while I feel stuck."

"Hey, man, we all have our own pace," Kirishima reassured, clapping a hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "You're strong as hell, and you'll find your way. Don't doubt yourself."

Katsuki let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, appreciating Kirishima's genuine support.

Katsuki, his usual fiery demeanor dampened by the effects of the weed, spoke with uncharacteristic vulnerability. "I don't know, man. Sometimes it just feels like this town is suffocating me. Like I'm caught in a loop of hopelessness."

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