twenty two

254 11 36

words: 2230

Katsuki sat in the hospital waiting room, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders. Half an hour had passed since they had rushed Izuku to the hospital. His head rested against the cold, sterile wall, and his eyes were tired and bloodshot from lack of sleep and the distress of the evening.

The minutes dragged on, and Katsuki couldn't shake the overwhelming fear that had settled deep within him. He replayed the events of the night in his mind, wondering if there was anything more he could have done to prevent this.

As he waited, Katsuki thought about all the times Izuku had been there for him, and now he was utterly helpless when Izuku needed him the most. His heart ached with the uncertainty of what would happen next.

As Katsuki sat in the hospital waiting room, lost in his thoughts and the relentless ticking of the clock, he suddenly noticed Inko Midoriya entering the building. Her worried expression immediately deepened when she saw Katsuki.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, and there was an unspoken understanding between them. Inko knew how much her son, Izuku, meant to Katsuki, and it wasn't lost on her that Katsuki had been there when Izuku needed help.

Katsuki felt a mixture of emotions as he watched Inko approach. He knew she was concerned, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what had transpired. But he also felt a sliver of relief that she was here, a sign that Izuku had people who cared deeply for him.

Inko reached the waiting area, her eyes filled with anxiety and exhaustion. She looked at Katsuki, and her voice trembled as she spoke, "Katsuki, what happened to Izuku?"

Katsuki tried his best to reassure Inko, even though he was still riddled with uncertainty. He looked into her eyes and said, "Izuku passed out at the restaurant. We rushed him to the hospital, but I'm sure he'll be fine. They're taking good care of him in there."

Inko's eyes welled up with tears as she clutched her hands together. "Thank you, Katsuki," she said with a mix of gratitude and worry. "You've always been there for him. I don't know what we would do without you."

Katsuki managed a weak smile. "Izuku's a tough guy. He'll bounce back from this."

Inko nodded, her gratitude evident in her gaze, but she couldn't help the lingering fear that clung to her heart. Together, they waited in the hospital for any news about Izuku's condition, each lost in their own thoughts and concerns, praying for his recovery.

The hours felt like an eternity as Katsuki and Inko anxiously waited in the hospital. Finally, a somber-faced doctor approached them, his expression gravely serious.

"I'm sorry," the doctor began, his voice heavy with regret. "We did all we could, but we were unable to stabilize his condition. Izuku suffered from a severe reaction to something, and his body couldn't recover. I'm so sorry, but we lost him."

Katsuki's heart sank, and Inko gasped, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief. It felt as though the world had come crashing down around them. Tears welled up in their eyes as they struggled to comprehend the devastating news.

"No," Katsuki whispered, his voice trembling. "This can't be happening..."

Inko was in tears, her body shaking as she clung to Katsuki for support. The doctor offered his condolences and left them to grieve in their own painful silence, their world shattered by the loss of someone they both loved.

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