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"I'm going and you can't stop me." I glared at Xiao, crossing my arms. I grabbed my polearm and spun it into non-existence, walking to the balcony, and jumping onto the railing. "I have to stop hiding from what I fear most, and plus, it's the Rite of Descention. If you want to make sure I don't do anything rash, you can watch me from a distance, okay? But remember, my name is supposed to be Monchou, so don't go around calling me Desmios." I gave a thin smile to Xiao before jumping from the balcony and landing on a tree branch. I flipped off of the tree branch, disappearing in mid-air.

I landed in Liyue Harbor, and it was filled with humans. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes again and walked up to a young lady with pink hair. "Excuse me, ma'am," I said shyly, "Could you tell me where the Rite of Desecention will be taking place?" The girl turned a smile on her face.

"Of course...Desmios?" both of our smiles faltered.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I know who you are talking about." I lied, my heart pumping wildly. How did she know my name? The girl laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You just reminded me of someone. Deja vu, I guess." she laughed, but I could tell it was forced, "My name is Yanfei, and I would be glad to bring you there. I was going up there anyways." the girl motioned for me to follow me as she ran to a set of stone staircases. I followed her, keeping up easily as we ran up stair after stair. We reached the end of the stairs and Yanfei motioned to a crowd of people.

"There you go. The rite should be happening soon." she waved to me as I walked off, "Have a great day!'

I waved without looking back, my eyes narrowed at the crowd of people. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I had to. Slipping near the front of the crowd, I glimpsed a beautiful, tall lady with snowy white hair, much like mine. Beside her were two other girls, around the same age as her, her handmaidens if I were to guess.

"The hour is upon us." The white-haired lady announced as a blonde girl pushed past me. The two handmaidens bowed to her and backed away. The lady crossed her arms in front of her, four gold gems rotating around her as she shut her eyes. The lady opened her eyes again and pointed her hand to the censer, the gems flying at the censer. The gems locked into the censer, causing the censer to send a beam of golden light into the clouds above. The clouds darkened, red lightning shooting through the dark tornado as something fell from the sky. Once the dust settled, I pushed past the crowd to see what happened. Before I made it to the front, I heard the tall lady say, "Rex Lapis has been killed. Seal the exits!" I screamed and ran to the front of the crowd, running to Rex Lapis' dead form.

"No!" I kneeled next to the dragon, tears trailing down my face. "No! Come back! I just got you back, don't leave me! Come back!" I cried, hugging the dragon's face. "Come back, Baba. Come back." I breathed out. The sound of armor and footsteps rushed up behind me.

"It's her! The murder!" Someone yelled, "Arrest her!" they commanded. Someone grabbed my shoulders, trying to pull me off of Rex Lapis. I turned suddenly, the soldier grabbing my shoulders and suddenly letting go.  I looked murderously at the soldiers, my feet sliding apart, ready to attack the next person to touch me. Someone leveled their spear with me and charged, dodging, I stepped up to the person and slammed them into the floor, a loud crack coming from where their head connected to the stone floor. Before anyone could attack me or I, them, Xiao appeared in front of me, grabbed my arm, and teleported out of there.

We reappeared on a mountain overlooking the place I had just been. The image of the dead Rex and the soldiers lingered in my mind, I lunged at Xiao, biting his hand that was reaching out to comfort me. Even though he was used to pain, not many monsters would bite him and he was immediately reminded of his time with the goddess of dreams. Jumping backward, Xiao steadied himself as he watched me calm down. Once the realization hit, I calmed down and looked at Xiao. Xiao softened his gaze and approached me, ignoring his inner turmoil of losing the god who gave him freedom and treated him with the kindness of a father. He approached and wrapped his arms around me, offering silent comfort for the both of us.

I sobbed into his embrace, crying for the father I had just obtained and lost all at once. Xiao murmured sounds of comfort to me, telling me that it was okay. I sunk farther into his embrace, feeling him stiffen, then relaxed after a second. 

"Shhh, it's okay Desmios." Xiao whispered, "I'm here. I'm still here. You're okay. I'm still here." I nodded, calming down.

"I love you, Alatus." I whispered mainly to myself, not knowing that he heard.




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