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'I love you.'  What did that mean? I knew what the words meant, but what did she mean? I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and resuming my silent wait when Ganyu came running.

"You're late." I snapped at her, crossing my arms and looking disapprovingly down at her. She bowed and apologized, promising it wouldn't happen. I ignored her and pointed to the Ley Line Monolith. "Defend that." And she quickly hurried off, bowing one last time. I returned to my thoughts, soon being the one scolded by Ganyu.

"Xiao!" she waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me back to the present. "Are you okay? You never do this." 

"It's nothing," I said shortly. Ganyu looked at me, waiting for an actual answer, making me feel very uncomfortable. "What does the phrase 'I love you' mean?" I whispered, hoping that she wouldn't hear me. She did.

Gasping, she looked closely at me, "Are you in love?" I glowered at her, making her flinch but still laugh, "Of course not. Who said it then?"

"No one." I lied quickly. Ganyu raised an eyebrow. "Desmios." I blurted before I could stop myself. What was going on with me? I was the Viligant Yaksha and here I was cowering beneath Ganyu's gaze.

"She's alive?! Where?" Ganyu practically screamed.

"The Inn," I replied begrudgingly, knowing that it was fruitless to keep that from her. My anger was slowly boiling over. I glared at Ganyu once more, stepping back and reappearing on Wnagshu Inn's balcony to see Desmios playing a new piece on her guzheng. Ganyu appeared seconds later.

"Oh my Archons! You're alive." Desmios looked up, startled by the sudden outburst. Her guzheng disappeared in a shower of flowers as her eyes darted around like a trapped animal. I suppose the outburst reminded her of yesterday's events.

Hurrying to her side, I placed a hand on her cheek, trying to calm her down. I forced her soft blue eyes to look at mine as I assured her that she was safe. "Calm down. It's only Ganyu. You remember Ganyu?" Desmios nodded, closing her eyes as she took a deep, steadying breath. I gave her a small smile of approval, "If you want her to leave, just tell me." I offered her.

Ganyu, meanwhile, had seemed to study our interaction, her eyebrows nearly disappearing when I moved away from Desmios.

"So, Desmios, I think you should come with me really quick," Ganyu said right away.

My eyes narrowed, "I don't think she should be going anywhere with you." I snapped, my heart wrenching just from the thought of Desmios being taken away. Ganyu just ignored me.

"You see," she continued, "I'm the secretary of Lady Ningguang of the Liyue Qixing and I'm sure she would like some things explained. Also, it's necessary that Ningguang is aware of all the Adepti." she held out her hand to Desmios, Desmios hesitating. I stepped between them.

"I don't think Desmios will be going anywhere with you near Ningguang," I growled, my eyes narrowing murderously at Ganyu. Desmios tugged on my arm from behind, her bright eyes shy but firm.

"I should go," she whispered to me. "Besides, if anything were to happen, you always find me at the right time." she tightened her grip on my arm slightly, her eyes still unwavering. I sighed, my hand sliding down to Desmios' hand for only a slight second. She took Ganyu's hand, her eyes locking on mine.

Before disappearing, Ganyu looked me in the eye, something of happiness shining in her eyes. "Don't worry Xiao. I'll make sure to bring your  little Desmios safely back to you."

And she disappeared, leaving me with myself and my thoughts.


Okay. let me explain Xiao's current relationship with Desmios. He has anger issues, yes? When he's alone with Desmios, he is calm and caring, but right now has no thoughts of really actually loving her yet. When others are around, Xiao's top priority is Desmios' safety and keeping her calm. But when others are around, he tends to make sure she is okay, being calm only for her, but then being mad at others, especially if they make her panic. Xiao finds peace around her and so never wants her to be 'taken' away from her, both for his own mind's sake and for Desmios' sake. 

Credit for all this goes to my 'sister', https://www.wattpad.com/user/Useless_Duck,   cause she knows Xiao better than me given that she knows EVERYONE'S lore and story and personality and how they would act and etc.

Love you all <3!!! 


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