Bonus Chapter-Rat father

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Fourteen years ago a lone rat wanders the depths of silkscradle, it began as a simple crusade for silk and bones as he was running low on stock. He did not predict he would find a scared and traumatized 4 year old lamb, and soon to be the little lamb's father of all things.

He had found her at a alter, full of blood, corpses, and cobwebs. A lone lamb crying over her mothers stabbed corpse, begging for both mother and nearly beheaded father to wake up, that this was all to scary and she wants to go home...

Ratau walks to the fathers corpse first, a large black sheep with 4 horns and clouded gold eyes. The corpse had a gash on his neck, his head barely hanging on by the skin of the back of his neck, his upper left hoof was laying on a handle of a large sword. The man clearly fought to save his wife and child for everything he had, but in the end it was not enough...

Ratau comes closer to the mother and daughter, the little lamb not even noticing his very presence, focusing on trying to shake her mother awake "m-momma wake up!!" the lamb pleaded. The mothers corpse rests there lifeless of course, a tall thin sheep with small horns and snow white wool stained in crimson, eyes shut forever with tears long dry, and a sacrificial dagger stabbed into her chest directly into her heart....

It was truly a terrible sight to see, and the wails of their child makes it more heartbraking...

Ratau hesitates before speaking to the young lamb, he has no experience of talking to children, especially the ones that have witnessed the biggest tragedy a child could witness. The sword in his hand formed into a crown with a single red eye and he placed it on top of his head, he wouldn't dare scare the poor child with a large sword... "There there..." he spoke in a attempt to comfort the small lamb. In response the small child turned around to look at him with big gold eyes "m-momma and d-dad wont wake up..." the little girl sniffled and hiccupped in a sob "why w-wont they wake up?" she asked the stranger, Ratau gives a sad expression in response. How can he explain death to a 4 year old child?

"They are..." he tries to think of something that could help the little girl understand, he pats the top of her head, her wool slightly sticky by her own mothers blood "they are just really tired..." he answers, not having the heart to be blunt "they will be sleeping for a long...long time. So they asked me to help before they went to sleep" he explains, he cant leave her here...If not by the dangers in silkscradle, than hunger and thirst will kill her before the bishops even realize she is here. The small lamb looks up at him, the tears still flowing and her nose started to run by how hard she cried "h-help...?" she sniffled, Ratau nods and wipes her tears and nose by a cloth he ripped off the robe on his shoulders. He didn't care for the robe anyway... 

"They asked me to take care of you while they you won't be scared and alone" he explains further, the little lamb nods her head in understanding almost to tired to speak in words... She then holds out her arms for him to pick her up. With slight hesitation Ratau picks her up and lets her rest her head on his shoulder, it was like the poor lamb cried for hours and finally exhausted herself..."what is your name little lamb?" he asked, the small girl mumbled the name "Adaline" before quickly drifting off to sleep in her exhaustion.

Ratau looked at the bodies in silence one more time, a bell made of 24 carrot gold rests on the mothers neck, a name 'Mary' engraved into it in very beautiful cursive... he then looks at the father, he also had a bell made of gold however it was no longer on his neck but little ways away like the force of what beheaded the father made it roll far away from the corpse...he picks up the fathers bell, the name 'Shepherd' engraved into it in the same beautiful cursive font.... he pockets the fathers bell and tried to take the mothers bell with one hand as he holds Adaline with the other, then pockets that bell too. He feels she should have these to remember her parents by when she is old enough to understand death, he will have to return in the morning to give the parents a proper burial...

He turns back around to return to where he came from so he may take Adaline back to his home. To sleep in a proper bed, drink water, and have a proper meal, who knows how long Adaline has been out here by herself... Ratau then looks up when a light shines in his face by the clouds pulling apart.

the blue moon looks very bright this night....

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