Chapter 6-The fine print

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The follower stares at her hoof in surprise, frankly not expecting the lambs willingness to spare them. They look at her face, then back at her hoof before taking it in a long moment of hesitation, Adaline almost struggled to help them stand by the burning sensation of acid spit on her upper arm and the soreness of her muscles, she wonders how she is still standing from the countless battles and wounds. 

"You're really sparing me? no stabbing? no revenge?" they asked in a bewildered tone, a strong hint of suspicion in their eyes, There is no way anyone in the old faith is this forgiving. There must be a catch.

"Of course i am. Everyone deserves a second chance, don't you think?" she replied, those words made them question more and even more suspicious, however they are still alive. So they shouldn't complain. "What's your name?" Adaline asked the new follower, a smile that makes anyone calm and full of hope plastered on her face "Amdusias" they said after slight hesitation "well Amdusias, let's go head back so you can be properly taken care of, do you need help?" Adaline says, gesturing to the many wounds she have given to the follower in their battle, seeming to not be worried about herself. Amdusias seems surprised by how wounded they are, they are not in bad of a shape as Adaline, but they was bleeding in several places at their torso "i guess we are even" Amdusias spoke up after inspecting themselves "but no, i can walk".

"Well, if you change your mind, i can help" Adaline offered, with a concern no one should feel about their own attacker. Adaline then begins to walk back again, every now and again she looks over her shoulder to see if Amdusias is following her, worried that they would collapse or she is walking to fast for them to catch up. She should be worried that they would attack her once her back was turned, but for some odd reason she's not, as the moment she helped them made her have immediate trust for them...Even though she knows it's not realistic to feel that way...

The walk back was long and silent, nothing very eventful after the battles in each area, so the two have returned to the bluebell fields without any problems. Walking through the door she can see that Panona has made themself at home, even if hardly anything was there besides sleeping bags and a cooking area, there was also no sign of Ratau from what Adaline can see, she assumed he is probably resting somewhere. Amdusias walks past Adaline to claim their own sleeping area without a word, even ignores Panona when they said hello. They just need some time, they will warm up to everyone else eventually, Adaline hoped...

Adaline then could no longer feel her legs, which resulted her in collapsing in exhaustion, everything starts to feel numb and cold, her hearing blocked out any concerned sounds coming from the two new followers as all she can hear now is white noise. The last thing she can see in her blurred vision was Panona trying to keep Adaline from passing out, while seemingly shouting for someone...But resistance is futile as Adaline closed her eyes and everything grew silent...


Only to be waken up by the rattling of chains once again, opening her eyes to see that she is back in the land of fog. The one who waits standing tall in Adaline's presence "Very good my vessel..." he praised her in dark pride, his smile baring sharp cat like teeth "it seems i chose well when i kept you from death" he continued, gesturing for her to stand with a sharp claw. Adaline stands with shaking legs, she can't feel pain yet she could not help but tremble, she can't remotely feel proud of herself. Course she saved 2 lives, in the price for many others... She could never feel joy by killing people.

"However you are far from fulfilling your end of our deal...Those foolish bishops each guard a chain, a chain that binds me here" he says, a sudden chill going up her spine...He cant possibly be asking..."You must track down and slay those bishops...Once they are gone the chains will be broken and i shall have my freedom" he continued "w-what? but...that wasn't the deal!! you only said to start a cult! not killing the bishops!" Adaline shouted, a boost of confidence and adrenaline making her speak without a second thought of who she is speaking too. The one who waits laughed lowly, as if Adaline's sudden distress amused him "Oh but it was...By creating a cult in my name you have became the vessel of the red crown, the bishops will know you are working for me...You have no choice but to fight them lamb, in the old faith. There is no such thing as mercy" he spoke, he was right...Leshy already knows that Adaline is alive and holds the power of the crown, there is no doubt that after the fight with Amdusias that more will come and eventually....Leshy might need to fight her himself...

And even if she somehow miraculously slayed Leshy...The other bishops will be after her too.

"I...i can't" she spoke, the thought of having to fight one of the bishops...literal gods. Was the most terrifying image she could ever imagine. "But you must...You know what must be done. " the one who waits insisted, not a hint of care in his expression or voice at all "You knew the price when you took this deal...I have gave you life anew, vessel, and now you must repay the dept" he continued, Adaline does not speak a word...Her silence signaling that she understands now "i will be watching your every move. Do not disappoint me" he speaks in a sinister dismissal, before Adaline blacks out once again in a flash of red. 


She opens her eyes to see but a cloudy sky peaking out between leaves of tall trees, her body sore and burning with pressure on her back like she is laying down. Right, she remembers now...she passed out by the exhaustion and her severe wounds, she did suspected she pushed herself to far... Adaline attempted to sit up before a hand was placed on her unharmed shoulder and gently forced her to lay back down "Don't even think about it Adaline..." Ratau said after he moved his hand away, she didn't even realize he was at her left side by the bandage over her swollen black eye. "You had me and your followers worried..." Adaline could feel something wrap around her upper left arm, the place where it got burned by Amdusias's acid spit "how long was i out for....?" Adaline struggled to speak, her jaw even hurting really bad as she talked "24 hours" Ratau spoke, he sounded upset, as any parent would when they see their child hurt so severely "i really tried to be careful father...but all of them was so strong." Adaline justified.

Ratau only shook his head after a moment of silence "what's done is done deserve to rest for a long time before you ever think about crusading again" he then finished up wrapping her arm "I'm sorry..." "don't are still alive, that's all that matters to me" Ratau assures before patting her head "just rest...we will worry about everything else later alright? Panona will come by to check on you if you need anything" Ratau then stands up "ok father...thank you" Adaline smiles weakly at her father before he leaves her alone to rest.

Adaline does not rest though...She only stares at the cloudy sky, thinking about the conversation she had with the one who waits in silence... 

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