Chapter 8-Itsy bitsy salesman

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It had taken several hours for Adaline to remotely get the basics of the book, such as making the crown turn into other items besides a sword like a fishing pole and also certain magical projectiles it can grant her. Finally there is this certain spell for her to teleport objects and people in certain places, strangely it would not allow her to teleport herself, but then again the teleport people ability might work well on getting followers to safety a lot easier then walking all the way back and possibly getting ambushed on the way. She then tested it to see if she was able to do it by using a stone for practice, creating a small portal in the ground and tossing it inside before another portal appears a few feet away and the same stone was gently tossed out of the portal. She also had to test if it was safe, so she used a small snail as a live test subject that lead to the same results as the stone, the snail was just fine, in fact it was like nothing even happened to it as it continued on with its business when the experiment was done.

Adaline would try and practice more later, she feels if she waste more time that more lives will be ruined in anura like Nona's. She will have to manage of what she has for now.

So after Adaline checked on Nona one last time and asking Panona to take charge while she was away, she prepares herself mentally before she returns to the 5 doors...The door to anura is wide open now just like darkwood, the door is surrounded by 2 lit candles, tall mushrooms, and autumn leaves while the grass is dry, dying, and is in a cream like color, however strangely it is currently summer instead of fall. The archway is similar in shape as the darkwoods door as well as it is covered in moss, but the crown on the sign is yellow instead of green and the stone has painted red eyes surrounding the frame. It feels more unsettling then darkwoods door in a way, she is not certain why, maybe it is because heket is more cruel? Who knows...

She stares at the darkness beyond the open doorway, she prays that the battles won't be as brutal...Maybe even has less followers if lucky....Then she steps through the dark void...

Only to find the entrance to anura, it was similar to darkwoods entrance with the large standing stone slab and engravings in its foundation "Entering the lands of the bishop Heket. Those who do not follow the ways of the old faith will be destroyed", word for word as before, only it holds Heket's name instead of Leshy's. "Lets see if i can do this right..." Adaline mumbles to herself as she takes off the crown and held it in her hooves, she didn't want a sword anymore.... But she couldn't imagine anything else she could use, she only thought of "what other item could i use besides a sword?". As if the crown had heard her thoughts, it transformed in response, it did not turn into a sword this time, but a large double bladed axe that was almost to heavy for Adaline to hold, as she almost dropped it in the process.

She was surprised that the crown changed due to what she thought, maybe Ratau was right of the crown adapting to Adaline over time....

Adaline hesitated to venture forward, anxiety shooting through her veins at the thought of killing again and them hurting her to the point of almost dying again...After the talk with the one who waits she just never felt the same, she made this decision and now she will forever have to live with the consequences of accepting the deal, she thought having a second chance at life would be a blessing...but now she is a murderer and a cult leader, some blessing this second chance turned out to be...She wouldn't want to burden Ratau with what happened after she passed out, he had to much on his hands already and now he should rest and forget about the troubles....Maybe she will tell him when he returns tomorrow, she thinks it'll be better for the both of them.

She has to focus, people like her need her now, her help, there's is no time to let fear and sorrow grip her heart and soul, she needs to find ones in need as soon as possible before it is to late, so she walks past the stone slab to venture in the middle of the overgrown mushroom forest known as anura.

The battles was as tough as it was at darkwood, but with the axe it's much easier to hit back without taking damage herself, like the axe has longer range. Just as before the followers gave her no mercy, attacking her with everything they had even if she hesitated to hit them or attempted to give them mercy, every last follower falls after every battle and Adaline does what she had did before, she placed a Camilia flower on each corpse and gave a apology prayer with hope that their souls will rest. Her gold eyes always full of tears as she did so, but never fully cried, like she did not have the strength to fully cry anymore, but somehow deep in her heart it almost felt like there was no hard feelings...? She couldn't wrap her head around it.

After all the apology prayers was told she continues ahead deeper into the mushroom and giant frog bone filled forest, dead silence is in the air as she kept going...

"AH!" Adaline shouted in surprise as her left bottom hoof got stuck in something sticky, making her fall down on the dirt and dead grass covered path, looking down she sees her hoof is caught in a spiders web. It sticks to her like glue, and it hardly budges when she tries to move her leg to free herself, she knows if she dare tries to pull it off with her hands that she will be stuck even more, the sticky substance is stronger than any spiders web to the average person but she knows a fair share of spider webs. She can tell this is not the bishop Shamura's webbing, the webbing is uneven and thin with no pattern, like threads of sticky partly dried glue, she knows who can make webbing like these... The axe turned into a sharp dagger before Adaline slowly and carefully cut the thin strands with its blade, the webbing was cut easily with no resistance like the blade was to sharp. She will have to be more careful if there is more webs like these. 

Adaline stands up, some webbing that's still on her hoof made it a little bit difficult to walk at first, but overtime it gets easier. It did not take long to find the source of these webs, as shortly after she continued her journey she spots a deer, they are wrapped in spider silk from mouth to hoof and gingerly placed at the center of a messy spiders web, a sign placed in front of them stating a price of 100 coins. The deer struggles and their cries muffled as they see her approach, desperation in their eyes, pleading for her help. Adaline grips the dagger tighter in her hand before coming closer to attempt to cut them down, but as soon as she places the blade on a single strand the deer lets out a muffled shout and their eyes tear up. A figure stands behind her, their presence gives no feeling of hostile and angry energy, but a familiar and friendly feeling.

"My friend?" a voice rang behind Adaline, she knows that voice all to well, she lowers the dagger and turns around to see a good old friend "Hi, Helob" Adaline smiles, she feels relief to see a familiar face. He is a spider, purple in color, with bones stuck in his thick fur, his fangs show as he smiles back at her with genuine glee "I have not seen you in months! how are you?" he looks at her up and down "You look hurt" he added before Adaline answers.

 "It's a really long story..." she sighs....

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