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10th October, Eve of India vs Afghanistan, Delhi

Jassi wanted tea.

Not green tea.

Not black tea.

He wanted proper tea with milk and sugar. Preferably, Gujarati style.

Maybe Jaddu bhaiya would know of someplace that could provide proper tea nearby, he thought. Jaddu bhaiya knew everything, a fact their team had learnt never to deny.

But when Jassi found him, he was very busy in scrutinizing one of the doors of the hotel, Rahul's, Jassi thought, and Jassi decided not to disturb him lest he be pulled into the execution of a prank.

That unfortunately left him with only one option.

"Hardik." Jassi banged open the door beside his room uncermoniously.

"We're only getting older, baby..." Hardik was singing along his laptop.


Hardik looked at him and raised his volume. "I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT LATELY..."





"BYE!" Jassi whirled around.

An arm swooped to grab his immediately. "Sorry, Jassi, didn't see you," said Hardik in an angelic voice. "What were you sayin'?"

"Saying," corrected Jassi. "Not sayin'."

"You gotta problem with my pronunciations?"

"I have a problem with a lot more than your pronunciations," said Jassi, who was annoyed from want of tea and Hardik in general.

"Aw, bahahahahaha, good'un." Hardik flung his arm around Jassi firmly so he couldn't escape. "What did'ya want?"

"Will you please drop that accent?"


Jassi knew he wouldn't and knew there was no point pestering him. And he did want the tea.

"Do you want to go out for tea?" he asked, as rudely as could be.

"Whoa, firecracker," Hardik said. "What's bitten you?"

"You," said Jassi.

Hardik laughed. 

Jassi did not.

Hardik stopped laughing.

"This song got me thinking, er, thinkin'..."

"I don't suppose it's any good telling you to shut up."

"Be polite," chided Hardik. "Is this the sort of behaviour you're going to teach Angad?"

"Er, no."

"Good." Hardik squeezed Jassi as they walked down the stairs. "I was thinking of the last World Cup. A lot has changed, hasn't it?"

"Bhuvi bhaiya isn't here," was Jassi's first reaction.

"Yeah, er, a lot of them aren't," said Hardik. "And our role is different."

"Yours and mine?"

"Yeah, I mean. Don't you think we're...seniors now?" Hardik spoke the word cautiously, like he didn't want to cause shock.

Behind the Scenes: World Cup 2023Where stories live. Discover now