In Midland we were a family here we're a support system?!

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A little while later the front lawn was already scattered with toys and Mark and I were still exploring the house there was a little doorway or trap door or whatever in his room or something or so it seemed and I wanted in on whatever the adventure was. You go first he said as we slowly opened the secret door. I took a look inside. There's nothing in here. I said. Ok but where does it lead? He asked me as he held Beans. IDK let's find out. I was scared on the inside not knowing what was gonna happen but I never showed that side to anyone. Except maybe Luke. I grabbed his hand and we fell down what looked kind of like a slide as we exited the house and came tumbling out watching dad walk by.

We hit our head at the bottom but otherwise we were ok as we pushed ourselves out onto the lawn. We thought it was so cool. And I had to wonder if it was really some kind of like laundry shoot or something. But also before coming out this was a good place to spy on people and we overheard our parents talking about something. They were arguing about something. Come on whatever happened to the stud that sat across the table from me? He got his dream job remember? Dad asked her on his way out. There was another little "slide" thing and we were out of the house that's when we ran into dad.

Bye dad we called to him as he looked at the paper not paying attention to us. See ya kids he said almost like he didn't care. Everyone else came out of the house as well as we all watched dad. I turned and saw them coming out locked eyes with Sarah before she turned away from me. I frowned as we turned away from each other. We all watched as a woman ran by with her kid on a leash yelling to someone on the phone. Day 14 on the alien planet I heard one of them say while Henry asked where Charlie was going. He said sign up for football and no he couldn't come.

This seemed no different to me though I was always on the outside looking in. In to my own family. Sarah asked if this place could get anymore boring Lorraine said she could give her a makeover and we both rolled our eyes at that in sync unplanned nor looking at each other. At football tryouts everyone seemed to know who Charlie was when he came to sign up. They asked him offense of defense. He was confused because he said he was a quarterback. They laughed at him and put him on defense cornerback. They told him when he came to practice not to where his hat I guess it had a different team on it or something probably from the team he planned on before. But at least he was on team without a tryout it sounded like so maybe that was good.

Meanwhile dad was on T.V. doing a Q&A as we all sat around in their bedroom watching him in the middle of the night. We tried to look on the bright side of things like saying how we got to see dad on T.V. but we hardly ever see him in person. But now everyone was seeing what life was like for me way before we even got here. They asked him how he supported a football team and 13 kids at home. So at least he was talking about us. He said he had a great team here and a great support system at home. Which Sarah and I were offended by but I tried not to be offended or take anything personally never let what they say get to me. That's my moto. Go to bed kids he told us as mom turned off the T.V.

In Midland we were a family. I started. And here we're a support system? Sarah finished. Lorraine said a family was a support system and called her Butch and me a freak. We all started getting ready to go to bed and I was one of the last ones out the door when we heard the phone ring one of my brothers picked up the phone told mom it was someone from something something. It was mom's friend Diane. Everyone else left I stayed to eavesdrop. Soon enough dad came home. He came upstairs to his room. Lorraine was in there telling mom about what to wear to whatever it was mom was doing. Dad saw me. Go to sleep Wednesday. What's my name dad? I crossed my arms.

Wed.... Farrah he started. Farrah he turned back to me pointing a finger at me. That's what I thought I crossed my arms and went to my room. He came into his and asked what was going on in here. Mom had good news Diane called and said her book was being published. This was amazing news. Did I tell you we were gonna have it all?! Dad asked her. You've never said that she told him. Well I'm telling you now. When they landed on the bed and started kissing Lorraine was disgusted she asked them to wait till she was out of the room dad told her to hurry. But there was one problem they want her to go to NY for a few days. This was not good 13 kids a dog a team and one parent?! How will he do it all?! Well technically just 12 Nora doesn't live with us.  

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