The farthest thing from a happy family

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Later Nora came back home she was looking for dad he was happy to see her of course he was but of course it wasn't for a hi how are you it was a Nora you're my saving grace thank you for coming to help me. And of course he was rushing to get somewhere out the door and couldn't leave alone and she noted that he seemed desperate on the phone. At least someone in this house would be paying attention to me finally other than Dr. stuff. Yeah well they're everywhere he told her as if she didn't know as he left the house to go to work. And of course there was always some kind of chaos as Nora took her jacket off and made herself comfortable. I heard from the vents Nora's voice and came running to see her. She gave me a big hug and held me tight. Asked me how I was feeling as she swept my hair to the side. Better now that you're here Nory. She had a big smile on her face anytime I called her that. As she sweetly ruffled my hair. What's going on around here? Oh you know same old same old I frowned looking at the ground kicking at dust crossing my arms though a little difficult given my arm.

Hey don't give me that look she placed a hand on my shoulder getting on my level. I know it's hard but I'm here now none of you are flying under the radar while I'm here. You got that? She teased poking at me as I recoiled playfully a grin on my face curling in on myself a chuckle in my voice. Yeah I got it. Where's everyone else? How should I know we're everywhere. Just follow the sound of chaos. Meanwhile dad was on the field sitting in a chair the ground was trashed and he didn't look happy. Well our team had lost by 3 points as he sadly looked up at the scoreboard his clipboard in hand. Nigel and Kyle were with him hitting each other with the "W" and E" signs sitting in the audience. And then he got on the phone with mom she told him she just talked to us. She shouted at him that she knew everything that I had talked to her and given her the 411. Since no one was listening to me and we all wanted her home. Dylan's in the hospital Nora Lorraine and Charlie have been taking care of Wed- I mean Farrah back and forth to the hospital because as soon as I left she was pushed out of the group hug to the ground and caught herself but hurt her arm how she got beat up at school because Sarah wouldn't wait for her how she had a sprained wrist a broken arm a black eye bloody nose busted lip a concussion how Nora is her emergency contact how she's missed school since then how the oldest siblings have tried their best to take care of her and humor her.

While you were at home with the rest of the kids and the chaos never always forgetting to count her. How Nora has a new job good for her. That Charlie is about to be expelled how you've been late picking up the kids from school. How the football players have been living in the house with Shake bugging you the kids got grounded before the birthday party for fighting in school and slacking on their chores except for Farrah because she can't move really without feeling pain. But at least she's getting closer to her older siblings again but not even during a scheme Sarah will include her anymore. How they're pretty much slipping under the radar because you're focused on the team. But Nora who just got her first real job has needed to take time off to babysit and be there for her kid sister and when she can't Lorraine takes care of her and so does Charlie how he leaves early from school to take care of her or be in Midland for the day. How you've been too busy to help them with any homework so they have to turn to each other. How easy it was for them to sneak out because you were focused on the team. That a snake got loose at the party. How the first day I was gone the house was trashed one of the twins had an arrow shot at her playing darts in the house how they have been able to pretty much get away with murder while Farrah has been on her own healing crying herself to sleep every night which isn't new to her at all BTW. Who told you all of this? Who do you think?! The kids called me on the show begged me to come home the line went dead and Farrah called me back to fill me in on all of it.

Can we talk about this later Kate? He *sighed* into the phone. No Tom she started you promised me that you would call me if you couldn't handle it. She reminded him. And it seems like you haven't been able to handle it for the first 24 hours I was gone. Considering Farrah got hurt right away as soon as I pulled away and no one seemed to notice or care except when I texted you to check on her. I've been doing the best I can and I'm gonna talk to her about this. You will not Tom Baker she always goes under the radar the oldest kids are barely there anymore Nora has moved out Sarah doesn't want anything to do with her she tried to eat her in the womb never goes to a show pushed her in front of a car. The only time they work together is during a prank/scheme but since she's gotten hurt she wouldn't even do that she didn't walk with her to their new school and she got hurt Sarah doesn't want to be seen with her thinks of her as a freak. The only other siblings that seem to care a little about her is Jake who sometimes let's her hang with him because she says he's laid back and Mark because he slips through the cracks too and we can't sometimes get his name right either. She thinks if she changed her name to Wednesday we'd finally get her name right the first time. That the closest you came to getting it right was when you called her Sarah.

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