chapter 5: Interrogation (1)

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Jin Yi and Feng Xiao looked at the other person. Bai Rongxuan had unconsciously made a noise. He developed heart palpitations as the two stared at him with their brows raised in question.

Bai Rongxuan discovered that he was beginning to show attraction towards Feng Xiao following the latter's amnesia. The current Feng Xiao was looking radiant compared to the former one. Perhaps it was a good thing Young Master Xiao lost his memories.

"I'm sorry. I had hiccups," Bai Rongxuan lied, his expression apologetical. Feng Xiao waved away the trivial interruption, refocusing on the issue at hand.

"Xin Yi, the fact that Keeper Qian has been here for years doesn't mean she can't do it, though I haven't made a conclusion yet. As for now, everyone is a suspect."

"INCLUDING US??" Bai Rongxuan and Xin Yi exclaimed simultaneously, straightening their bodies like alarmed flamingoes. Feng Xiao was at loss of words. He only stared frantically at them. He should really bridle his tongue in case of next time. After a while, he finally invented what to say.

"You two should not overthink. I didn't mean it that way," Feng Xiao gave a rueful grin.

Bai Rongxuan simmered down and asked, "so you're saying the illness you had is related to the assassination attempt?"

Feng Xiao hesitated, he was kind of uncertain. "Well, it's just a conjecture."

"Another unusual thing happened when you left," Xin Yi sobered up and got the two people's attention with her cliffhanging words.

"Which was?" Feng Xiao asked hungrily.

"After you left, Keeper Qian ordered a sudden cleanup."

Feng Xiao and Bai Rongxuan exchanged glances.

Xin Yi continued, "she sent the servants to work on the gardens. I thought she was just being hygienic as the House Keeper, so I didn't read meaning to it."

Bai Rongxuan frowned, "Keeper Qian's impromptu cleanup order may seem suspicious, but how's that related to the assassination?"

Feng Xiao hinted nonchalantly, "You can't tell. It might be for the purpose of erasing all evidence."

Feng Xiao cogitated for a while, then told Bai Rongxuan, "remember when the Army of Secrecy arrived at the battle site, they killed all the assassins without sparing even one. Don't you find it strange? Normally, they were supposed to keep one scapegoat alive in order to pry out information."

Bai Rongxuan agreed thoughtfully, "that's true. I have also thought of it. That means...." His eyes lit up on learning the unpalatable truth.

"Father doesn't want an investigation," Feng Xiao completed. "If I'm to make a guess, father probably knows the mastermind. And that further proves my conjecture. The mastermind isn't someone we can make light of." Feng Xiao was deeply in thought. He looked up at Bai Rongxuan. "Have you, by any chance, gotten the identity of those assassins?"

Bai Rongxuan nodded briefly, his demeanor zealous. "According to the intelligence guild, those assassins are from an organization called 44-Abyss Pavilion. The organization is based in the capital, but its headquarters is not known."

Feng Xiao was surprised to some degree. "How did you find out about that?"

"Earlier today, I overheard commander Puyang's discussion with Lord of Nan'An in the library."

Feng Xiao was awed. It confirmed that Bai Rongxuan was deft in stealth, complimenting his martial prowess. "Good, good."

Feng Xiao was engrossed in a puzzle. He aimed at reaching logical assumptions by weighing the possible outcomes. "The illness, Keeper Qian, father, 44-Abyss Pavilion. How are these elements connected?"

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