Busted - Part Three

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"Follow me." Claire picked up her wine glass and watched as I straightened up, my bound hands not helping my balance. I followed her heels as she walked out of the kitchen and headed back to the lounge. She sat down and put her glass down on the table, next to my phone and wallet. "Kneel down." Claire pointed to the floor in front of her. I knelt in front of her and stared at the floor. "Right, time to establish some rules." She prodded my stocking clad leg with the point of her shoe. I looked up at her smiling eyes. "When I am speaking, you will look at me. Spit out that gag." With some difficulty I managed to spit out the wadded socks and drop them on the floor besides me. "Good. You will speak only when spoken to. Do you understand?" I nodded and quietly replied. "Yes, Miss, I understand."

"Good. I'm going to ask you some questions now, and depending on your answers, I'll decide what to do for the best. I don't know whether to just leave you go home and keep this as our little secret, or whether....." "Please, Claire, I'll..." I interjected. "Don't make me gag you again, I don't remember asking you for your opinion." Claire prodded my leg with her shoe again. "As I was saying. I don't know whether to keep this as our little secret, or whether to accidentally email the pictures and video to our entire office." She smiled, and sipped at the glass of wine, "But of course, whilst outing you would be hilarious, for at least a week or so, but, in the long run, it wouldn't benefit me at all. So we'll see." She leant forward and tapped my phone. "You'll be pleased to know that all I've done with this, is set it onto silent, and made a note of your home telephone number. Just in case. Your wallet, I've not dipped into. Yet." Claire laughed, and settled back in the chair, crossing her legs.

She bit her bottom lip, and then grinned. "So." A pause. "So far we've established, that you like dressing up and you're into some kinky stuff? Yes?" "Yes Miss." I replied. "So this isn't your first experience of getting dressed up? I assume there's probably more stuff at your flat?" "No Miss, and yes there is." Claire smiled again. "I thought so. Anything you'd like to tell me about?" I looked at her eyes, and then down at the floor. "No Miss." She leant forward. "That's a shame. Looks like I'll have to go and have a look at your flat myself. What do you think I'll find there?" I looked at her face. "But you can't..." I started. Claire feigned a look of shock. "I can't?" She giggled. "And you think that because?"

She smoothed her skirt with her hands and relaxed back in the chair again. "Have it your way. I did some online research last night. I'm guessing being dressed up would normally get you aroused, but being locked away as you are, probably makes it more frustrating?" I watched her eyes as I responded. "Yes Miss, it does." She smiled again. "Good, and I'm guessing you didn't enjoy cooking and cleaning for me?" I paused before answering. "No, it's not like I had any choice Miss." The toe of her boot nudged my leg. "I think, that you're not telling me the truth." The toe pressed itself between my stocking clad knees. "I think, that you're enjoying being controlled. Enjoying being exposed to me like this." I tried to look up, but Claire's grinning face made me look down, to where her booted foot was pushing my thighs apart. "No, Miss, I'm not." The toe of her boot nudged my constrained satin covered balls, making me flinch. "I think," she said, leaning forward and pressing her nail into my chin, forcing me to look into her sparkling green eyes. "I think that you are enjoying being bound and helpless, that being dominated like this is exactly what you want, and you just don't want to admit it to me." "No, Miss, I just want to go home." Her toe tapped my balls again. "Really? You just want to go home, go home and pretend to forget that I know all about your kinky secrets?" She leant back and re-crossed her legs. "Don't you want to know what I plan to do with you? How long I'm going to keep you under my control?" The puzzled expression on my face made Claire beam. "Yes, it may surprise you that I have made some tentative plans. But whether I do anything about them or not, depends on you." Claire held up her hand and began raising fingers. One. "I know you like dressing up." Two. "I know you must be into bondage of sorts." Three. You like using your ass." I blushed. Four. "You like being dominated." She wiggled her thumb. "You going to help me out with a fifth?" I looked at the floor, and mumbled, "Being hurt, Miss." Claire quickly leant forward smiling. "Sorry, what was that?" I looked at her face, into her eyes and repeated. "Being hurt Miss." Her fingers reached out and her nail brushed my chest. "Yes, that's what I thought you said." Her fingernail traced upto the cups of the satin bra. "So if I do this?" Her fingers pinched my nipple and squeezed, making me gasp. "You like this don't you?" Her other hand sought out my other nipple and squeezed. I moaned "Yes Miss, yes I do." Her hands move away. "Good, finally some honesty."

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