Busted - Part Two

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My heart was in my mouth as I turned off the ignition. The events of last night had been playing through my head all day, Claire, the secretary from work had exposed and humiliated me, and had demanded I return again tonight. I'd heard her loud laughter at work several times today, and am pretty sure I blushed every time. I'd seen her once as I was making my way back from the photocopier, but quickly ducked into another office to avoid having to interact with her. I'd tried to stop thinking about what might happen this evening, but my caged cock wouldn't let me forget.

As I opened the car door, my phone chirped. The text was from her, "Door is on the latch, let yourself in, and lock the door. Strip in the hallway and leave your clothes. Your uniform is in the lounge. I will be down shortly." I closed the door and opened the boot to retrieve the shopping I had been instructed to bring. Locking the car, I nervously walked up to the house and pushed at the front door. It opened quietly. Was I going to put myself through this again? The humiliation? Claire's smile had indicated that she was beginning to enjoy the control she had, I was just hoping I could talk her out of it, make her see that she'd had her fun. My hand lingered on the door handle. My phone chirped again. Another text from Claire. This one had a photo of me sprawled on the floor all dressed up. "Just in case you've forgotten what you'll be wearing tonight. Hurry up and strip I'll be down shortly." No, it didn't look like talking her out of it was on the cards, not yet anyway. I walked inside and closed the door behind me, my hand shaking as I latched the door and locked it. I set the shopping down before, quickly stripping, folding my clothes as I did so. The tiled floor was cold under my bare feet, I carried the shopping quickly into the relative comfort of the carpeted lounge, closing the door behind me.

Laid on the floor in front of me were the clothes I'd ordered for myself, that Claire had intercepted at work. Setting the shopping aside, I picked the stockings and after fastening the suspender belt around my hips, slid the first stocking up my leg, before attaching it to the belt. I continued dressing until I was attired as I had been the previous night, in a Pink Maids dress. I knelt and waited for my tormentor to appear. At this point I suddenly realised that I had been watched since I walked through the door, naked except for my Chastity cage. A small webcam was positioned on a table, pointing directly at me.

Just then the door opened. "I see you've spotted you've been on camera?" Claire giggled, "I recorded it for posterity, just in case." She smiled and motioned back to the open door. "Come on, you've got cooking to attend to." I stood and picked up the bag of shopping, and followed Claire into the hallway. "Oh, and I want your phone and wallet, and bring your socks." I stopped in my tracks. Claire smiled and cocked her head. "What? Phone, Wallet, Socks. Now!" I stooped and picked up my balled socks, and then retrieved my phone and wallet from my folded jeans, before following Claire into the kitchen.

Claire stood to the side as I walked in. "Shopping." She chirped, tapping the worktop with her outstretched finger. I placed the bag down. "Phone and Wallet". Again, she tapped the worktop. I placed my phone and wallet down next to the shopping. "Good. Now you need to get my supper cooking. Whilst you're doing that you can clean up the kitchen." The look on my face must've said it all. "What?" Claire barked. "I seem to recall someone telling me they'd do whatever I wanted?" "I..." I stammered. "I'll stop you there. Open your mouth and stuff your socks in there, because I don't want to hear a peep out of you." Claire smiled at my reaction. "Come on then, open up..." She laughed as I opened my mouth and stuffed the ball of fabric into my mouth. "See? Better and quieter already." She picked up my phone and wallet. "Right, get cracking then, I'll be in the lounge when food is ready. There's a lovely apron I borrowed from my mother to save you getting your pretty dress dirty, on the back of the door, and some matching pink rubber gloves by the sink. If I come in and find you slacking or without that gag in, photo's going round the office will be the least of your problems." And with that, she waved my phone at me and wandered back out of the kitchen.

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