Busted - Part Five

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Guided by Claire's hands, I kiss and lick at the proffered cock, doing my best blowjob impression, teasing the tip of it, before sucking it into my mouth and working my mouth along its length. "Oh Sissy, you're being very enthusiastic, are you sure you've not done this before?" Claire giggled, "Lets see if you can keep up." I feel her hands on either side of my hooded head, as she begins to slowly fuck my mouth, sliding her strap-on into my mouth rhythmically. She giggles as she begins to increase her pace, and starts pulling my head deeper and deeper onto the rubber cock, laughing as I gag and cough as she rams the cock fully into my waiting mouth. "Please Miss.." I manage to splutter, as the cock is withdrawn. "Oh no," Claire admonishes, "A good Sissy, needs to be able to take it all in their mouth", before plunging the cock home again, and again. "Right then, Sissy, suck my cock nice and clean." I feel Claire's hands leaving my head, and can only imagine her watching as I slowly suck on the cock, working it back out of my mouth, and trying to suck all my drool off of it, before delicately kissing the tip of it. "Well I suppose that will have to do" Claire laughed, "Sissy, you should know what is coming next, now get those frilly panties off, and get on your hands and knees."

Stunned, and still blinded by the hood, I slowly stood and slid my pink panties off, before kneeling down and assuming the position. Claire's shoe nudged my ankles further apart, and I feel cold liquid running between my exposed ass cheeks. I feel her hands on my hips, and shudder at her touch, still not quite believing what is happening. Claire seems strangely excited, "Sissy, I've really been looking forward to this part, ever since I discovered I could do exactly what I wanted with you. I'm hoping you don't disappoint me." I feel the same cock head that I was just sucking, nudging at my ass, the tip being run up and down between my cheeks, before being slowly pushed inside me, making me moan out loud. Claire laughs, "Oh this is going to be so much fun, I bet your little caged cock will be dripping by the time I've done with you." Her hands increase their grip on my hips as she begins to thrust the rubber cock deeper with each stroke, and by the time I feel Claire bumping against my cheeks, I'm moaning and panting out loud, pushing back against her, wanting to feel every inch of it inside me. My cock is fit to burst, or at least it would be, but for the plastic cage restricting it. "You're such a slut Sissy, you're enjoying this way too much." Claire laughs, and starts to quicken her pace, giggling as the pounding she is giving my ass, makes me start to shake and whine. The pace slows, and a breathless Claire teases me, "Aww Sissy, is it getting too much for you?" "Miss.. please, no.." I managed to stammer. I feel the cock quickly ram into my ass again, buried up to the hilt. But it stays there, and I feel Claire's hands busy near my ass, before she moves away, leaving her cock inside me.

I feel something touch my caged cock, and moments later Claire's hand lifts my chin. "Open your mouth." She commands and slides her fingers inside my mouth. "See?" She giggles, "Told you, you'd be dripping, you'd best suck you mess off my fingers."I slowly lick my pre come off her fingers, as she fucks my mouth with them. "But," she purrs, "If truth be told, you're not the only one, I want you to lie down, and put your hands behind your back, and don't you dare let that cock slide out of your arse. "Yes Miss." I whispered meekly, and slowly eased myself down onto the floor before putting my hands together in the small of my back, the strap-on clenched between my cheeks. Claire's hands quickly cable tie my wrists tightly together, before I feel her lifting my chin again, and I smell her scent again in front of me. "Now, time to thank me for that nice little fucking I gave you, don't you think? Take your time" I feel her wriggling up to my face, before feeling a stocking clad leg settle over my shoulder, and another. I slowly lowered my head, and kissed her thighs, before turning my lips and kissing the pussy before me. Slowly and delicately at first, before teasing it with long slow licks, my tongue then seeking out her clit, and gently caressing it, licking and sucking in response to the movement and moans I can feel and hear coming from an increasingly breathless Claire. My cock is again straining against its cage, but I concentrate on trying to read Claire's responses to my lips and tongue, her hand occasionally pushing my face harder against her, her legs shifting on my shoulders, As I suck on her clit, her hands hold my hooded head, so I re-double my efforts, licking and sucking as much as I can, and and rewarded, when her hole body rocks and trembles as she comes, pushing my head away. Soon after I feel her move away, her legs sliding off my shoulders. She cuts the cable tie, off my wrists, "You can remove the cock from your ass now, clean it up and come back when you're done, the bathroom is down the hall."

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