Busted - Part One

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I’d had a few days off from work, and came back to a few dozen emails waiting for me in my Inbox. One was from our Secretary, titled simply ‘Post’. I’d ordered a few things off Ebay, and not wanting the wife to see them, had specified they be delivered to work. Great, I thought, some new things to try out during the week. I opened the email, expecting it just be a short note letting me know she’d kept them safe for me.
“Hi, you had some post while you were off, I’ve taken most of it home for safe-keeping, you can come and fetch the one parcel I have from my office.”
Odd, I thought, but went back to sorting the other emails, and only remembered an hour later. I popped into Claire’s office. Claire was in her mid 30’s, single, and a strange character, full of her own self importance, yet a bit of a gossip. At 5’3” she was slightly built, but her short hair and cute smile more than made up for her lack of curves. “Good break?” she asked as I walked in. I muttered something about it being a bit short and the weather was crap, and asked her for some stationery and a file I need to complete a report. While she was sorting these out, I asked her about the post. “Oh yeah, I’ll get you the parcel I have here, I’ll bring the rest back tomorrow, I wasn’t sure when you were back and didn’t want to leave it lying round in case someone opened it. I know you have DVD’s and stuff delivered all the time, so I figured it probably wasn’t work related.” If only she knew I thought, “No, good idea, thanks for that.” She smiled as she handed me the large padded envelope, I realised at once what it was and returned to my office and got back to some mindless report one of the Directors had asked for.

After work, I headed back to my flat, a home away from home during the week. Throwing my clothes bag in the bedroom and after stripping off and dressing in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, I headed back to the lounge. Picking up the post, I started to open the large envelope, curious to get a look at my latest purchase, there was tape over the end, and as I opened it, I could’ve sworn it looked like it had already been opened, but then sellers on Ebay sometimes re-use the envelopes, so maybe it was just me. I slid the small white box out and dropped the envelope to the floor. Opening the box, I smiled, in it lay a clear plastic chastity cage, a smaller box with a padlock and all the spacers and rings to get it to fit. I slipped off my short and boxers and set about putting it on. I’d thought about getting one for a while, but as the wife had no patience for any kind of sex that wasn’t the missionary position, it had seemed pointless, but curiosity, paired with an unexpected bonus, had got the better of me.

Soon my cock was trapped in its new plastic prison, and I reached for the padlock to complete its effect. Opening the small box though, and only the padlock slid out, no keys. Mildly annoyed, I clipped the padlock onto the cage, but didn’t close it. I picked up the envelope, expecting the keys to be loose inside, but no, the envelope was empty except for a folded slip of paper. I re-checked the box, but no, no sign of the keys anywhere. The cage felt good though, with this locked on, I wouldn’t be able to get hard and if it was locked, there was no way I could get it off either. Still, apart from teasing myself, it wouldn’t be of much practical use, there’s no way the wife would use it on me. I picked up the envelope again and pulled out the slip of paper, wondering whether there was a telephone number on the invoice I could ring and complain about the lack of keys.

But it wasn’t an invoice, it was a typed note. “Craig, sorry, but I accidentally opened this parcel last week. I’m intrigued by this device you’ve bought, so I want to see how it works. If you want to get the rest of your parcels, and I’m sure you’d rather they weren’t opened by our nosey receptionist, if they’re anything like this, you’d better come and fetch them from my house. Ring me before you leave. Oh and make sure you’re wearing your new toy, and make sure it’s locked, I’ll give you the keys when I’ve seen it, Claire.”

Oh. My. God. I’d been busted, I wondered whether she’d opened the rest of the parcels. This was bad, but god, the others? My cock twitched in its cage. My mind was racing, I could just see if she brought the parcels in tomorrow. Maybe she was bluffing? But I knew there was no way I’d live it down if the Receptionist saw what was inside them, it’d be round the building like wildfire, I’d have to resign. I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to Claire’s number. I’ll see what she’s playing at.
“Hi Claire, it’s Craig, sorry to bother you at home, but can you remember to bring those parcels in with you tomorrow?” “Hi, Craig, sure, I’ll hand them into Reception for you.” “No, can you bring them in and give them to me please?” “Well, you know all post is supposed to be logged, I only pull your post as a favour, and I can’t keep doing it for you, why is there a problem?” “You know I appreciate you doing that for me, it’s just…” “Did you get my note Craig?” “Yes I did, it’s just… you haven’t opened the other parcels have you?” “No, not yet, I’ve wanted to, but no. So, does that thing you’ve bought fit?” “err, I don’t…” “You’re wearing it now aren’t you? But you want the keys don’t you?” “I er, Claire, look please just bring the parcels to work tomorrow, and give them to me, we can sort something out” “I’ve a better idea, either you tell me you’re coming to pick these parcels up tonight, or I bring them into Reception tomorrow, after I’ve opened them. How’s that sound?” “Claire, please, look I’ll meet you in the car park tomorrow morning..” No, tonight or you can pick them up from Reception tomorrow.” “Claire, please…” “I’ll see you in two hours then, make sure it’s locked.” And she hung up.

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