Busted - Part Four

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Whilst working through a dirge of emails, my phone chirped. Checking it, it was a message from Claire. "You're looking tired, trouble sleeping? A printed list of the things we discussed at your flat needs to be handed to me by 10." I glanced at the clock on the screen in front of me. 9:52. "Fuck" I muttered. Eight minutes to list it all, and then somehow print it off the communal printer and get it to the other end of the office. I minimised my emails and started typing. Five minutes and several edits later, it was all listed on screen. It was quite a long list. I copy and pasted it into the middle of another longer document and hit print.

I managed to reach the printer as it started spewing out, fortunately no-one else around. I walked as quickly as possible down the corridor, whilst simultaneously not trying to look like I was rushing. I walked into Claire's office to find her tapping her fingers on the desk. "Morning, what can I do for you?" She smiled. "Just bringing you that document you wanted, Miss" I said, then realising how I'd addressed her in work, and blushing. "Good, I wasn't sure you were that fast at typing, but you've made it on time." I pulled the incriminating list from the sheaf of papers and passed it to her outstretched hand. "And this is all of it?" She placed it face down on her desk. "Yes Miss, everything." "Good, it'd better be. Now go back to work."

I walked back to my desk and picked up my coffee mug. I needed a refill. Standing in the kitchen, chatting to a colleague, I was just taking the first sip, when I heard the voice of our storeman down the corridor. "Claire, I've dropped the duct tape and cable ties on your desk." "Thanks Rich you're a star!" I heard Claire call out in response. I nearly choked on my coffee. Claire winked at me as she walked past, a pile of papers in her arms.

The day slowly surrendered to more emails and phone calls to suppliers, along with the usual office jokes and piss-taking. My phone beeped again. "The list is longer than I was expecting. A few things on there, we'll need to discuss." I shook my head. Another beep. "A parcel will be delivered to you later, don't open it, you need to bring it tonight. You've paid for it after all." What? I checked my online banking, and yes, my account was lighter than it should've been, not a big amount, but nothing showing up yet. Four calls later and my desk phone rang. Our receptionist. "Craig there's a delivery for you, Do you want to come and sign for it?" I slammed the phone down and virtually jogged to reception. I signed for the Special Delivery parcel with the postie and walked back to my office carrying the large padded envelope. No hints as to the supplier, just a private label and my name & works address. I placed it in my bottom drawer and tried to ignore it. My trapped cock had other ideas.

Claire poked her head round the corner of my door, just before lunch. "Got two minutes?" She asked, playing with a folded sheet of paper. "For you, of course." I said, puzzled. Claire came in and sat down opposite me. "Decided what you're cooking tonight?" "Er, yeah, something Chickeny I think." I mumbled. "Good. Any thoughts on dessert?" She giggled. I just blushed. "Well I have some thoughts, but I'll keep them to myself I think." She handed me the list. "Bring the highlighted stuff, we'll discuss some of the other items later." The company accountant walked past and called out a greeting to us both, oblivious to the real nature of the meeting. Claire stood up. "If only they knew huh?" She winked. "Oh, and as you're no doubt going shopping in a bit, if you want to get in my good books," She held out her hand, and waited for me to pass the folded list back to her. She leant across my desk and picked up my pen and jotted some writing on the list. "But of course, it's up to you." She handed me the pen and paper back. "Might see you later?" She watched as I glanced at the paper, and walked out. The same beautiful flowing handwriting. Her measurements and shoe size. And the sign off? "Dessert?"

I took advantage of my lunch break to go and fetch some ingredients for a recipe I'd googled last night, and then sought out a lingerie shop. I left the shop considerably poorer. The remainder of the day passed without event, though the list Claire had given me back, did have my mind and cock's attention sporadically. Five o'clock soon came around though, and grabbing the shopping from the fridge, I headed back to my flat for a quick shower and to pick up the items my tormentor had requested.

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