congratulations are in order • 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐚

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warnings: none

You smoothly changed poses as you took your photos for Vogue. The magazine staff was quite impressed with your professionalism. You looked absolutely stunning. The staff of the photography studio were in a frenzy over your looks. "You're really a model?" one asked, clearly flummoxed. You smiled shyly. "That's right. I work at a modeling agency." "But... you're so..." the man stammered. "Beautiful," another chimed in. "You could be like ultra famous." "Thank you," you said humbly, but you couldn't hide the pride that radiated from your words. "It means a lot to hear that. I've worked so hard to get to where I am."

The staff nearly fell over themselves trying to fix you with your hair and makeup. "No need for all the fuss," you laughed, gently pushing one of the assistants away. "This is just a cover shoot fo r the latest issue of Vogue." "Vogue? You're doing a cover shoot for Vogue?" a female assistant exclaimed. You nodded, blushing. "Why?" the woman pressed. "Because I was recommended by a good friend," you explained. "My friend said she wanted me to do a cover shoot." "Your friend is the editor-in-chief, isn't she?" one of the other assistants guessed. You nodded. "I have to do my best. She's counting on me!" Your friends were all cheering you on. "You'll definitely look good in the magazine," one of the staff said confidently. "And you've got such a nice personality too. You'll definitely be a hit." "Thanks," you said, smiling brightly.

"You've already done some cover shoots, right?" the assistant continued. "Yeah, a few," you answered. "I bet they're all popular," the woman gushed. "I'm flattered ," you smiled. "And how come you're not a superstar yet?" the assistant asked. "Oh, I don't know. It just hasn't happened yet," you shrugged. "Well, if this cover shoot turns out good, I'm sure you'll become famous overnight," the assistant said. "That'd be nice," you smiled. "It'll definitely happen," the woman assured. "Well, thanks for the encouragement," you laughed. "Good luck," the assistant said, before heading off. "Congratulations are obviously in order because someone is definitely gaining some traction," a mystery voice said.

You turned around and saw THE Zendaya looking at you. Your jaw dropped. She was even more beautiful in person. "Are you going to model too?" you asked. "Not today, but I came by to congratulate you. You're doing really good" she said. You were speechless. "It's always a good thing when a friend makes it big," she added, smiling. "Thank you," you managed to say. "See you around," Zendaya said, waving goodbye. "Wow, Zendaya," you muttered. "She's even prettier in person." Your heart skipped a beat as you imagined what it would be like to work with her.

Maybe, just maybe, if you did a good job with the cover shoot, you could land a role on a project she was working on. And that would mean working with her! Your stomach fluttered at the thought. "All right, we're ready," the photographer said. "Let's do this," you said excitedly. Your cover photo shoot was a huge success. "You're a natural," the photographer said. "I hope my friend likes it," you replied. "Oh, I'm sure she will," the photographer said. A few days later, the magazine was released and your cover photo was on the front page. "Oh my God, I can't believe it!" you squealed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"This is crazy" you cried. You felt your phone ping in your pocket, which as of now wasn't out of the ordinary considering that your face was everywhere but this time felt different. You got a text from Zendaya. "I loved the cover shoot," she said. You couldn't help but feel things. "Thanks" you texted back. "I'm in town can we meet up?" she asked. Your heart was beating so fast. "Sure," you replied. "See you at the park in 30 minutes," she said.

You rushed to the location . When you arrived, she was already there waiting for you. "I'm so happy you agreed to meet," she said, giving you a hug. "Of course, I'm happy to see you," you said, smiling. "So, how have things been going?" she asked.
"Well, pretty good," you said, nervously. "And the rest of the cover shoot? How did that go?" she asked. "It went amazing," you said. "That's great," she smiled. "Yeah, I'm really excited about it," you said. "Well, let's go for a walk," she said, taking your hand. "Alright," you said. "Alright," she replied.

As the two of you walked through the park, you couldn't help but feel special. Zendaya began holding your hand and the two of you were chatting like old friends. It was amazing how comfortable you felt around her. "Hey, Daya," you said. "Yes?" "I was wondering... could we take a photo together?" you asked. "Oh, I don't know," she said, sounding unsure. "Please?" you begged. "Okay," she agreed. "Thanks," you said. "Alright then," she said, smiling. "Here, take this selfie," you said, handing her your phone. "Sure," she said, taking your phone.

She held the phone up and the two of you smiled. "Click," she said, clicking the camera. The photo turned out well. "Send it to me," she said. "I will," you said, sending it to her. "Thanks," she said. "So, what do you think of the picture?" you asked."I think it's great," she said. "Me too," you said. "You've got a real talent," she said. "You think so?" you asked. "Definitely," she said. "Thank you," you said, feeling touched. "So, why did you ask for a picture with me?" she asked. "What do you mean?" you asked, confused. "Well, we barely know each other, so why did you want a photo with me?" she asked. You hesitated for a second before deciding to be honest.

"It's because you're my celebrity crush," you admitted. "Oh," she said, a bit surprised. "Is that okay?" you asked, worried. "I'm fine with it," she said. "Okay, then," you said, relieved. "Do you want to get dinner together?" she asked. "Um, yeah," you said. "Cool," she said. After dinner the two of you gathered outside the restaurant. "I really had a good time," you said. "So did I," she said. "Can we do it again sometime?" you asked. "Definitely," she said.

You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. "Hey, Daya," you said. "Yes?" "Will you go out with me? Like on an official date?" you blurted out. "I thought we already did," she said, sounding confused. "Oh, right, the dinner," you realized. "We'll have another date soon," she promised. "I'd love that," you said, smiling. "I'll text you later," she said, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. Your heart stopped.

You froze.

"Bye," she said, waving."Bye," you replied. Of course it was after she was out of sight. You walked home in a daze. Did Zendaya just kiss you? Was it a dream? You touched your lips. Nope. It wasn't a dream. You were still wearing the clothes you wore when the two of you went to dinner, so there was no way that it was a dream. You smiled, your heart beating wildly.
You were on cloud nine.

𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝.

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