Chapter 4: Graduation

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A eight months have passed and my belly bump is already showing can't believe I have to show it at my graduation.

let me tell you what has changed Izzie and I are friends again because she came to apollogized to me because she heard what happened and I forgave her.

Izzie, Alex and I went shopping for tuxedos and dresses we all find the best clothes to buy.After we finished shopping we went to a cafe.

After we drank our coffee Alex dropped us at my house I kissed him and then said goodbye. I know right why am I saying goodbye he literally lives right next door.

Anyways me and Izzie went up to my room to get dressed for prom Izzie said its going to be a bummer that you cant drink because of that cute little baby in there.

Yeah I know I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't went to Micheal's party that night.Izzie then said since you can't drink I won't either.

Thanks Izzie your the best friend ever despite everthing.We then changed into our dresses for prom.Izzie was wearing a blue halterneck dress and I was wearing a red ball gown.

At Midnight our dates came to pick us up Alex was my date and Caleb was Izzie's date.The boys brought a lemo to take us to prom.

When we reached at prom Izzie and Caleb went straight to the dancing floor. Alex and I couldn't go because it was a fast song.

So Alex went to get us punch,just then Micheal appeared and handed me some cash and he said its for the baby.

Then Alex appeared with the punch and so Micheal left. Alex asked what he wanted and I said he just gave me some and said it was for the baby.

Suddenly a slow dance came on and Alex and Avery hugged while they danced t the song.While dancing I asked Alex would you ever forget me when you go off to college, will you fool around with other girls.

Alex then answered no I won't ever forget you Avery I love you , I then said I love you too. Izzie and Caleb were finally ready to go so they dropped them home.

And then he dropped me home I kissed him goodnight and walked towards my house. I went straight up to my room took a bath and went to bed.

The next day was graduation which I wasn't looking foward to. MY mom made breakfast so I went to eat breakfast.

After breakfast my mother told me she wanted a picture of me with my belly for memories.

She then printed the picture and put it on the refridge ,after that I went up stairs to get ready for my graduation

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She then printed the picture and put it on the refridge ,after that I went up stairs to get ready for my graduation. I put on my graduation hat and robe and grabbed my speech, then my mom took us to the graduation.

It was time for my speech and It said 'I have been struggling with a lot of problems this school year like I never thought I would first lose my best friend and then get her back I never thought i would have fell in love I also never thought I would get pregnant in senior year and I also never thought this is when my water broke.

Everyone gasped at wondering if her water really broke or she was just kidding. Then I said guys I aint kidding my water just broke.

Alex rushed to the stage to help me down and asked someone to call the Ambulance.The Ambulance came and took Avery to the hospital.

When I had the baby Alex came after the graduation and told me very bad news that he was leaving for Boston tonight.

I didn't want him to go but I eventually had to, he then asked the name of my daughter I then said Eliza Marrie Brook.

Alex asked she isn't taking the fathers name, no he doesn't even deserve being called the father of my child.

Anyways I hope you remember your promise you will come back write after your three years at Boston and we will be married.I love you Avery I love you Alex.

You may have so many questions is the father involved in the child's life, did Alex marry Avery, what Happened to Izzie , did Alex return from Boston the next chapter will tell you everything you need to know so if you don't read it then you will never find out!!!!

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