The Hangover

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it was a saturday night and cage hosted a party after going on a mission to celebrate. he prepared his house bought tons of drinks and snacks and invited every celebrity he knew. johnny was super pumped up and began to play music while he waited. the first group of people was kenshi,rain,subzero and the rest of the group. they where wearing... well not party attire they where all wearing clothes theyed wear to battle- cage looked them up and down before letting them in. he immediately started talking to kenshi and dragging him to the kitchen for a drink.

"you have got to try this new red wine its 100 years old" cage says pouring a glass "how does it not go bad" he asked slightly confused and cage shrugged in response. the two drank the wine and by the time they where done way more people showed up.

cage began to set up a keg. "kenshi help me out will ya" he called to him. kenshi came over questioning "what cage" "help me do a keg stand" cage said eagerly "why- you know i cant see that well" kenshi said scrunching his face "all i need you to do is keep me steady and grab my legs" and then without warning he began to flip ontop of it, kenshi not expecting it does not help him and cage flips all the way over and bangs his head on the keg "FUCK" he screamed in pain "oh my god im so sorry!" kenshi kneeled down to him and checked his head the best he could "ugh your good" johnny said rubbing his head "someone call dr grey" cage said jokingly "who is that and whats his number" kenshi replied pulling his phone out "no ken- shes not a real person.. i was just referencing something" cage responds "oh"

cage still rubbing his head goes to get another drink "ya want one ken" he asked while pouring himself a drink "no thank you" he said sitting at the kitchen island. cage began to drink his newly poured beverage and then he spit it out "GAWD DAMN" he yelled and whistled when the he saw the princess show up ken looked over at what caught his friends attention "how did you get them here" kenshi teased "with a very nice letter thank you very much" cage said rolling his eyes ken giggled

suddenly the movie star's favorite song came on and he shot his hands in the air "I LOVE THIS SONG" he said dancing lightly before grabbing a spoon for a microphone and giving kenshi a mini preformance doing spins and all "do i need to cut you off the liquor" ken asked rasing an eye brow "no no im fine" cage said while grabbing a beer "no seriously cage, thats enough" kenshi said seriously "just this last one" cage replied. ken thought about it for a bit. he didnt want cage throwing a fit so he gave in "just this last one, and im going to stay with you to make sure you dont do anything dumb". "i never do dumb stuff"cage replies and kenshi chuckled

right after that johnny ran to where everyone was dancing and joined in, kenshi followed after. cage began showing off doing stunts and flips surprisingly well for a drunk man but ken eventually stoped him "your such a bore kendoll" kenshi rolled his eyes in response.

caged yawned and went to the movie room "cage where are you going now" the blind one said following along as the star entered the deserted room he grabed a soda and sat down and played a movie, the movie of his selection was top gun.

kenshi was confused but sat down with him. "are you not going to talk with your guests" kenshi questioned "nah they're fine" cage replied kicking up his feet and drinking his soda. "want some" cage asked handing the drink over to his friend. "um sure" ken replied taking a sip then handing it over. kenshi got comfortable himself. cage described the movie to him as it went on explaining every little detail. kenshi enjoyed the movie he had seen top gun before but he didn't have the heart to tell johnny since he was os eager to show him this movie.


when the movie was over the two headed out to the main area and noticed almost everyone went home there was only a few people. cage checked his watch it was midnight. "wanna just crash here i have a spare room?" he asked softly "hm sure i dont have anything better to do" kenshi replied . cage escorted him to the spare room next to his. the room was one of the nicer ones it had a big bed and a lovely bathroom. cage got his some clothes to sleep in and showed him around the room. "ill be next door if you need anything" johnny said with a smile "thank you cage" kenshi said sitting on the bed. cage left and closed the door behind him before heading to his room.

cage went into his bathroom for his nightly shower, he prided himself in how clean he was. he had spent thousands on skin and hair care products. he spent 30 minutes in the shower and another 20 applying products to his face in-front of the mirror.

after he got into his silk pajamas he layed in bed and watched videos on his phone. he began to hear a sort of whining noise, he paused his video and listened for it again and it kept going. he heard it from the room next to him, kenshis room. he got up and walked softly to where kenshi was staying. he quietly opened the door and heard faint cry's."was it kenshi?" johnny thought to himself, and sure enough he walked over and sure enough he was right. it seemed kenshi was having a bad dream. cage went over and sat on the edge of the bed thinking about what to do before whispering "kenshi? are you ok" he put a hand on kenshi "johnny?" he asked kinda sitting up "yea its me, where you having a bad dream?" cage asked concerned, kenshi tilted his head "oh.. yes- they've been coming since i lost my sight" he said quietly immediately a flood of guilt came over him, he still felt guilty about him losing his eyes. johnny stayed quite not knowing what to say witch was unusual for cage. "im sorry if i woke u" kenshi said softly "oh no your ok tou dont need to apologize" cage said before thinking if he should offer help "i- i can stay with you if that will help you" johnny said quietly; kenshi acted confused before replying "yea that would be nice" he said with a smile. cage awkwardly got in the other side of the bed and sort of watched kenshi fall asleep when he caught himself he was confused at what he was doing. he shook it off and went to sleep.

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