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kenshi and johnny left the room shutting it behind them "how are we supposed to find lui kang" kenshi spoke "i have no idea, but i think we should take a nap first" cage said with a raspy voice. kenshi thought for a second, yes his friend was sick but they where traped in an unknown timeline "i think that pill has melatonin in it or something" cage said  "get on my back" kenshi said with a sigh "hm"? cage questioned  "ill cary you and you can sleep" kenshi said "dude nah lets just go to an extra room" cages voice got more raspy "no either walk or ill carry you" kenshi began to walk "fine" cage said. he hopped onto kenshis back loosing part of his dignity.

cage eventually fell asleep on kenshi. kenshi started by looking around the temple and he found a note plastered on lui kangs room reading "be back on monday. traveling to nearby village for the week" kenshi read it "well that's helpful he wispered sarcasticly. kenshi walked to the map in the center of the temple and found the directions of the nearest town, he then began to make his way there with cage on his back.

as night fall came kenshi began to get tired but he kept going on. it was very difficult with johnny on his back but he wanted to get home and leave cage alone. cage rested peacefully on him and kenshi didnt want to interrupt that.

eventually johnny slowly woke up, still resting his head he said "kenshi"? "yes cage"? he replied "where are we" the sleepy star asked "alittle more than half way to the nearest village" kenshi said with a yawn "how long have you been walking" cage asked "eh 7 hours give or take" ken said cage finally picked up his head "kensh you should rest" cage said "no no we must keep going" kenshi said "kenshi, as my former manager used to say, 'johnny youve been going at this scene for 12 hours and it wont get any better if you dont take a break'" cage said in a mocking voice. kenshi sighed, "ok ok" kenshi walked a little more to and open spot in the woods a put johnny down.

"i can stay up and keep watch incase anyone shows up" cage said sitting next to a tree, kenshi sat beside him and said "alright, thanks cage" kenshi smiled and got as comfortable as he could.

cage watched as he fell asleep then realized he would be very bored for the next few hours. he for some reason decided acting-out his movies was the best choice.

"how could you" cage wispered as he fake cried. he was reenacting a scene from his detective movie. "shh cage" kenshi said "sorry" cage said stoping his acting. johnny had to find something else to do or he was gunna bore himself to death.

apparently annoying kenshi was a theme even tho it was cages idea for him to sleep. cage
reached his hand in kenshis pocket to look at what he had, there was only a ring, some gum, coins, and a pocket knife. "cage cut it out" kenshi snaped "sorry" cage said again cage put back the coins and ring but ate the gum and chose to carve wood.

doing this was a stupid choice since cage had never been a outdoorsy kind of person. but this didn't stop him from finding a big branch and trying to make a spoon. when the sun began to rise cage was still whittling the wood . as he dug the handle out cage cut himself. he remained quite as to not wake kenshi and wiped the blood off onto his pants.

a few minutes after cage had finished his spoon (which ended up getting a little blood on it) kenshi woke up kenshi looked around and saw cage playing with his knife "cage- what the hell" kenshi went over and took his knife back. "i was carving a spoon last night" cage held up his creation "is that blood" kenshi asked pointing at the red spot on the handle. "yea i cut my thumb.. but its all good now" cage said standing up. kenshi took a deep breath and said "no more touching my stuff" cage nodded in response.

the two gathered theyre things and started walking. "dude"... "ken"..."kendoll" cage nagged him "what cage" kenshi said irritated "do you have a pop-tart im starving" cage asked "no but we're almost there youll live" kenshi said annoyed with cage. cage noticed this and stayed quiet.

it was unusual for cage to be quiet for a long time, kenshi assumed he was just hungry "alright lets go pick some berries i see blue berrys up ahead" kenshi pointed, cage stil quite went over and began to pick the berries and plop the berries into his mouth. it was an awkward silence between them "cage are you ok" kenshi asked "yea" cage quietly said "why are you being so quiet"? kenshi turned to him "i dont want to annoy you" cage mumbled, ken gave an empathetic look. "cage your not gunna annoy me" kenshi said walking over to cage and putting a hand on his shoulder, cage said nothing back.

after they ate handfuls of berrys the two started walking again. eventually cage was back to yapping.

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