Chapter 14: Old friends

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Paul made his way onto the airplane, but he struggled with the luggage and carrying Beatrice at the same time. "Hey do you need help with your bags?" A sweet woman's voice asked which startled Paul and made him flinch. "Who said that?" He asked as he dropped his bags and struggled to keep his grip on Beatrice who was still crying. "Hee hee hee..." The woman giggled as she approached them closer, she had orange hair, was covered in freckles and a pure innocent smile. "Jane!?" Paul asked with surprise as the woman bent down and grabbed his bags. "Yes it's's been a long time since seeing you." Jane said kindly as she swayed back and forth.

"Yeah it's been since...uhhhh..." Paul mumbled as Jane laughed. "It's alright Paul, that time in my life feels like a lifetime ago, we were young, dumb, way over our heads tangled in celebrity life...." Jane hushed him as Paul panted and adjusted Beatrice. "I was meaning to reach out when Linda passed 9 years ago, but I just kind of figured that it would have been a tad weird for your ex-girlfriend to contact you, especially in that situation...but I never stopped caring about you..." Jane informed him as Paul caught his breath. "Thanks Jane, I um..... I never forgot about you's been hectic since losing her, she was my light at the end of a dark path to happiness, especially after the end of The Beatles." Paul explained as Jane nodded.

"John's death was horrific and George, Linda both tragic.... I am so sorry Paul...." Jane said sullenly as she put her hand on his cheek. This action made Jane notice Beatrice who was nuzzled into Paul's shoulder and chest. "Awww what a sweet little this one of your grandchildren?" Jane questioned sweetly as Paul chuckled anxiously. Ummm....haha....uhh...this is actually my daughter Beatrice Milly McCartney." Paul answered, which took Jane completely off guard. "Daughter?! My my my you've been busy!" Jane gasped as Paul nodded in agreement but uneasily. "Yeah....well y'know." Paul said softly as Jane fluffed Beatrice's petticoat.

"Who's her mother?" Jane asked with wonder as Paul sighed embarrassedly. "I Heather 2002." Paul answered as Jane listened with shock. "Wait! The model who lost her leg in that police car accident? She was a major tabloid figure in the middle to late 1990s....I cannot believe someone like you would be interested in that." Jane commented completely perplexed by this information. "I was just lonely and couldn't think straight.." Paul answered as Jane nodded with understanding. "I hope you, Heather, and little Beatrice are happy together." Jane said as Paul nervously chuckled. "We're in the middle of a divorce....." Paul whispered as Jane gasped again. "Ohh my god....I'm so heart goes out to you and this little princess..." Jane gushed as she put her hand on her heart

"Thanks so much Jane, but I'm alright now.... I have a new album to release next week, an interview Monday with Jimmy Fallon, and I'll be taking Bea to Disneyland....y'know a holiday to celebrate the single life, and to get away from it all." Paul reassured her as they sat down in their seats. "I see, well it sounds like you need it...." Jane said in a supportive voice as Paul looked down at Beatrice who was still nuzzled. "Beatrice? Wanna meet daddy's friend?" Paul asked in a soothing tone as Beatrice looked at him, her eyes puffy from the tears. "Daddy's friend?" Beatrice asked as she sniffled, as Jane looked at Beatrice and put her lip down pretending to sulk. "Aww poor thing...what happened?" Jane asked as Paul adjusted Beatrice on his lap. "Paparazzi found us in the terminal....spooked her a good bit....she's not used to paparazzi like Heather, Mary, Stella, and James are...." Paul answered as Beatrice looked at Jane and sucked her thumb.

"My name's Jane Asher, nice to meet you, love." Jane said warmly as she shook Beatrice's tiny hand. " name is Beatrice McCartney, and I'm four years old, I can count to 11, and my favorite movie is Shrek...." Beatrice said in a more casual manner as Jane giggled. "You can count to 11? cool!" Jane encouraged as Beatrice nodded. "But I think I can count more than 11....I can try....12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19." Beatrice counted as Paul and Jane laughed. "What a ball of energy she is!" Jane said enthusiastically as Beatrice kept counting. "Yeah...being an older father is honestly great fun for me....and I'm happy to have her, how are your kids?" Paul asked as he smiled at Jane who giggled.

"Katie, Alexander, and Rory are all doing well....Alex is studying animation, Katie writes audiobooks, and Rory is a literary author agent..." Jane began. "I also have two step children Rupert and Araminta who are from Gerald's first marriage...Araminta is an actress as well...however Rupert keeps to himself." Jane finished as Paul nodded. "Daddy? What comes after 29?" Beatrice soon interrupted as Paul chuckled and Jane smiled at her. "30." Paul answered as Beatrice laughed. "Oh yeah....30....where was I? 30.....31....32...33...34...35....36...37...." Beatrice continued counting again as Paul shook his head. "How about your older children?" Jane asked, continuing the conversation. "Heather's Essex with my sister Ruth...and she makes pottery..." Paul began as Jane studied him.

"You have a daughter named Heather too?" Jane asked as Paul nodded. "Yeah...Linda's eldest daughter....born in 1962....we were very close when she was younger, but over the years she's kinda drifted away, but I understand she's struggled with mental health....but she calls me every father's it's not completely fumbled." Paul explained. "Maybe that's what you saw in Mills?" Jane teased as Paul scoffed. "You got me there..." he joked back as Jane laughed. "Ummm you know Mary, Stella and James though right?" Paul asked as Jane nodded. "Yeah...yeah, I've met your girls at different events, Katie even wears some of Stella's clothes.....I just never met Linda's daughter or this little one before." Jane answered as Paul nodded.

Jane and Paul soon noticed that Beatrice was no longer counting numbers, and Jane chuckled as she looked at Beatrice who was sound asleep on Paul's lap. "Aww she looks comfortable....must have been a busy morning for her?" Jane remarked as Paul nodded and moved Beatrice so she was lying down instead of sitting. "Yeah...we were up at 4am, and then the drama with Heather at the terminal....just....yeah....she's probably knackered...." Paul whispered as he leaned over to grab a complimentary pillow for Beatrice's head. "What?! Heather was at the airport too? For what?" Jane asked with disbelief as Paul nodded slowly. "Yeah.....she thinks that I'm going to America to slander her, despite the fact she's the one going on GTV and its....uh y'know.... .it's bollocks really..." Paul explained as Jane rolled her eyes.  "Again sorry...I hope after this divorce you can find someone who will be there to support, love, and care for you." Jane said as she looked Paul right in his hazel eyes.

"Thanks....uh...umm...why are you on this flight Jane?" Paul asked, trying to switch the topic away from Heather Mills. "Ohhh I do charity for the International Autistic Association....I'm their UK board member." Jane answered as Paul nodded with interest. "There's a meeting on Tuesday, it's in Anaheim ...." She answered as Paul nodded again. "That's nice you do charity've always been so generous and thoughtful." Paul said sweetly as she laughed. "So have you Paul.." Jane retorted back, as Paul nodded slowly, huddled Beatrice close to his torso so as to not let her fall, and sighed deeply. "Yeah.........yeah..." he whispered nervously.

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