Chapter 29: The Interview

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"Shit shit shit!!" Paul panicked as he heard the dial tone of the other phone line, he then slid down to the floor, and scooted across it to reach the living room television knobs. He frantically turned the knob, and switched through the channels until he reached GTV.  He then turned the volume knob louder, and saw Heather Mills on the screen with the red binder on her lap, which was overflowing with papers, and her arms crossed in her usual stuck up manner. Paul's eyes widened as the television showed the host, who was smiling obliviously to the attitude presented by Heather Mills. "Hello, welcome back to GTV, Great Britain's Home for News, Entertainment, Sports and more! My name is Jennifer McHafferty, and I'm joined by Heather Mills, who is a former model, who turned into a vegan activist, charity campaigner, and disability activist after she lost her leg during a collision with a policeman motorcycle way back in 1993.....Today, Heather is here to chat about her latest campaign about the tabloid press and paparazzi harassment....." the host said as the camera panned towards Heather who was flipping her hair out of her face.

"Thank you for having me here again Jenn, because this is such an important topic that has been effectively damaging me and my daughter..... I am being pushed closer and closer towards the edge, and I really need to resolve this situation, here and now...I'm going to try to remain calm with my composure and dignity intact, but if I sense any foul play ...I'm going to go off the rails..." Heather rambled as the host giggled nervously. Paul rolled his eyes with annoyance as he listened to Heather rambling. "Right, so...explain to me what this binder in your lap is for?" Jenn asked as she pointed at it, and Heather opened it. "This binder is filled with all the evidence that proves that I have been harassed by the tabloid media.... I have collectively been harassed for nearly two years now....and I'm sick of it.... I mean, it's gotten to the point where I literally cannot even throw my daughter a birthday party without being called a gold digger...." Heather began as Jenn nodded. "Beatrice?" Jenn asked as Heather nodded with frustration, and shuffled through her papers.

"Yes, in October of last year, Beatrice turned 3...I spent nearly £40,000 for a private airplane ride to DisneyLand Paris.....Beatrice had 6 around the clock nannies to tend to of which, I had to fire...because they went to the press and alleged that I stole the money from Paul....which they ran with, of course..... and the UK Sun says 'Mucca spoils daughter with £40K birthday party....behind Sir Paul's back.' Like are you kidding me? They can call me Mucca, but I can't celebrate my daughter's 3rd birthday!?" Heather rambled as Jenn nodded again. "So...did Paul already file for divorce at that point?" Jenn asked as Heather exhaled deeply. "Yes, however the media was calling me Mucca before he even did, we temporarily decided to split up in 2005, and Paul was spotted in Los Angeles with Beatrice ...but without me, and the paparazzi began to pounce on him....So in early 2006 we tried to reconnect, did that seal rescue work in didn't work out obviously, he moved back in with Stella, and the media started calling me a whore, gold digger, liar, fantasist......." Heather explained getting more flustered.

Jenn giggled nervously again, as Heather began to shuffle frantically through her papers. "All these untrue things about me.....saying that I did hard core porn as a teenager, saying that I fake having one of my trips to the United States, I was walking through LAX....and a group of people recognized me, and they asked me 'how are you able to walk without your limb?" And I say to them 'I'm using my prosthetic leg......" because that's the truth, I am....and do.....anyways.... then one of the members of the entourage suddenly shoves me.....and I fall so hard to the floor that my leg pops off...." Heather continued as tears began to roll down her face. "That's horrible....." Jenn replied quietly as Heather nodded. "It was so traumatic..... I thank my lucky stars that Beatrice didn't witness it.....she was with her father.....but I have her travel by herself because I am so terrified of her seeing it happen, if it were to occur again......" Heather finished as Jenn nodded again somberly.

"Does Paul know about this?" Jenn soon asked as she gave Heather a box of Kleenexes. "He does..... and he was relieved that Beatrice didn't see it....but um, I'm upset with him because he has the power to tell the media as well as his fans to back off from me..." Heather soon answered as Jenn nodded. "Instead he ignores my cries, when I'm like 'Paul tell the media to stop lying...y'know join me in my more time....because it's going to affect us both after the divorce comes to a close..... but instead he hires Fiona Shackleton as his defense lawyer....who by god is literally the most selfish person in the whole United Kingdom.....she doesn't care about Beatrice's custody or our privacy...she just wants to make sure her pockets get filled up with Paul's cash....and yet the media calls me a gold digger?! I'm so gobsmacked..... I really am...." Heather ranted as Jenn nodded and sighed.

"I I guess what I'm confused about is....what exactly are you trying to accomplish with all this?" Jenn asked as Heather rubbed her eyes. "First off....I really want my divorce to be finalized..... I never thought it would drag out so long..... I just wanted a clean and simple separation......however it's become almost something that I could consider as horror.....I've lost so much respect for so many people..... and I'm so fed up with the fact that I'm not even given a chance at sharing my thoughts. I've lost my charity deals, I've lost the ability to make happy memories with my daughter.....I was willing at the start to walk away silently without any money..... but now I know that I must fight for material damages, monetary damages and libel charges caused by this marriage...." Heather began as Jenn nodded trying to understand.

"How much are you wanting Paul to pay you?" Jenn asked with interest as Heather took a deep sigh. "After doing the math I have concluded that Paul owes me £100,000,000....." Heather answered as Paul's eyes opened widely in horror, and his cell phone rang. With his eyes glued to the screen he slowly slid his body back towards the coffee table near his recliner and grabbed it. "Hello?" Paul answered, still in his daze. "DAD ARE YOU WATCHING THE NEWS?!" The voice of Stella cried as Paul watched the television switch to commercials. Paul however did not answer as he was still trying to process what he had seen and heard. "Dad!!!" Stella cried trying to get Paul's attention. "Errm....umm..yeah..." Paul cleared his throat as Stella sighed. "You cannot let her get away with can't daddy...." Stella begged as Paul nodded. "I know.but the trial isn't for another 2 months......" he whispered with a sigh. "Can't Fiona Shackleton expedite it? Please need to end this..." Stella said quietly as Paul nodded.

I'll  see what I can do....just please calm down....everything's gonna.." Paul tried to answer until his rotary phone in the kitchen began to ring, "Stell...I gotta go..." Paul soon said as he hung up, and walked towards the rotary phone. "Hello?" Paul asked, as he shifted his eyes to the television that was still in commercial break. "Good afternoon is this Sir James Paul McCartney I'm speaking to?" A very serious monotone voice asked through the phone. "This is he..." Paul answered as he continued to watch the television. "Mr. McCartney, this is Fiona Shackleton, have you been watching GTV?" The voice asked sternly as Paul snuck over to his television and switched it off. " haven't....." Paul answered as he cleared his throat trying to hide the fact that he had.

"Well it's come to my attention that Ms. Mills is being extremely volatile and brainless, claiming she wants to fight for a  £100,000,000 payout, however as we both know she is a master manipulator, so we must take actions against her...." Fiona informed him as he nodded and stood back on his feet. "Yeah....I agree..... but how do we do that?" Paul asked as he walked back to the kitchen.

"There's only one way, and that is to expedite the trial, which means that we need to appease the court and ask for a court date at the most immediate possible time.......with your go ahead.....I'll start that process today,  so we can have the trial as early as this Tuesday....." Fiona answered as Paul nodded and listened. "You can do that.....that's alright, thanks Fiona" Paul agreed as Fiona giggled devilishly. "We'll make sure that after this, Ms. Mills will know not to mess around with the likes of us......." Shackleton added as Paul nodded again. "See you Tuesday..... Mr. McCartney......." She finished as Paul marked his calendar.

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