11- Jungkook and his love life

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Acknowledging the seriousness of the topic, he stops laughing almost immediately and got back to his old posture of utter seriousness

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Acknowledging the seriousness of the topic, he stops laughing almost immediately and got back to his old posture of utter seriousness.

The picture he showed you on his phone was of-

"How come it's me and you together kissing when in real life we never did it. Okay fine we did but this picture is entirely different from when we kissed."

You gaze back at the picture to notice another subtle change.

"Also, I look a bit young in this like-"

He sighs with his one hand still on the stearing wheel.

"I know you've a tons of questions but I can only answer them when you'll be calm and in a state to believe me about whatever I'm gonna tell you okay? If you'll panic, nothing will work so... Will you be calm to listen everything?"

He's right. You need to straighten up, be calm and listen what's the actual matter. How does he have such a picture of you two together? When was it taken? Why? Do you know him from before? Something's just too too fishy and only he can answer you so you need to silent and hear carefully so you simply nod at him and sit properly with all your attention towards him.

"Okay! The girlfriend I once told you about... It's you. You were my girlfriend. 5 years back..."

"Why did you not tell me about what happened Y/N? Did that man hurt you somewhere? Stop panicking my pumpkin okay? Your Jungkook is here, calm down." The light, the thunder everything was on its peak, only the rain was on wait.

A man was following you from behind while you were coming back home that scared you so you decided to call Jungkook and he reached in no time as you were near his apartment.

Jungkook catches the man but the bastard was successful in running away.

Jungkook helps you sit on the bus stand's seat hugging you from the side, calming you down.

You literally were shivering like your life's gone today. "Stop Y/N, I'm right here, right? Stop stop okay my baby?"

Seeing you in such condition now even he began to feel uneasy cause you're too damn scared of the incident but you anyhow tried to calm down.

"Wait, I'll buy you a hot coffee okay? It's opposite the street so don't move and don't be scared, I'm watching you continuously so none can even lay a finger on you alright? Just be here and keep your eyes only on me so you won't be scared, okay? I'll be back in 5."

He assures you so politely and lovingly that you calmed down a lot more than earlier so you smiled and let him go.

"Just come fast kookie, it's not safe,"

He shouts a yes and ran to the opposite side of the road still watching you continuously every second.

For an instance, you see a hustle on the top of the front building parallel to Jungkook.

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