29- Work and confessions

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"Jungkook..." You called for him looking for him everywhere because he wasn't in his office. Bam was walking behind you everywhere but both of you were unsuccessful to find your man.

You sit down to bam's level and pat on his head while saying, "Gosh your daddy is an ass-"

"I'm not a hole-" you were cut off. There he comes. You instantly turn back to look at Jungkook flipping through pages of a file with concentration all on it.

"Where did you do? What are you doing? What clue you've got? Will you explain please Jungkook-"

"Not right now Y/N," he speaks without looking up from his file that shocked you. Moments ago he was so focused on you and now not even a glance?

That's such a drastic change and you don't like it. Huffing with a pout, you glare at him and went to sit on the couch with bam and be followed you both but didn't look anywhere still apart from his file and stood in front of you two.

You pout at him with your one arm around bam and when Jungkook sees you once, he sighs and kneels down in front of you closing his file with a sweet smile on his face, keeping a hand on your cheeks.

"Y/N, I don't want to lose this chance that I've gotten after years, trust me, I'll make you fall in love with me like i previously did but just give me some time, a little only I promise because if I didn't right now- then i never can which would be the worst part. Can I now... Ma'am?"

Listening to him silently, you thought he made sense. It was like a teenage being taught to study in the school and college years properly otherwise he/she'll have to pay for it for the rest of their lives which is the worst case so yes, you can understand where Jungkook is coming from so with a very heavy heart, you nod with a sad pout.

"Does that mean today bam and I are sleeping together? Aww my baby it's been years we didn't sleep together let's go-" you instantly with a new excitement of sleeping with your dog stood up and so did Jungkook.

First Jungkook kisses the top of bam's head and then stood straight and so close to you with his chiseled chest in his nightwear.

"Hmm...my wife is so understanding but she's forgetting something...." He says while rotating his orbs here and there till when you kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh right, that's how you kiss your brother."

"Aye you-" you screeched at him and he laughed.

"C'mon, seriously you kiss your brother like that on the cheek, I'm your husband for god's sake i deserve something nic-"


"Not this too," he still denies even after receiving a very sweet peck from you that sent you in a dilemma. What else he wants? Didn't he have work to do that he's now playing around for kisses like a teenager?

"You want s-"

"I just want a..." And in that instant whole he kept his file behind you, he hugged you tightly. "A long long hug cause I might not be coming back tonight so I need your essence at least with me,"

In his muscular arms, you relaxed in a second like that's what you wanted. You hugged him back immediately, covering his slender tight built waist with your head on his chest.

How come you didn't fall for him till now?

You do like him, like him a lot as a human, as a husband, for sex he's amazing, but love for you is so different. Maybe not this as with Jungkook, your marriage, your family secrets that are yet to be revealed, Taehyung, your life it all messed up real quick that you didn't have time to think what's even happening with you.

"Thank you Y/N, I didn't expect such an understanding behaviour from your side to be honest..." You break the hug and he keeps his hands on your shoulders tightly with a proud smile.

"Why? Do you think I a fool-"

"That's why I said that I didn't expect this understanding cause you only know how to fight with me all the time duh..." Jungkook mumbled something that you couldn't properly hear but some words that you heard made you sure that he's badmouthing you for sure.

"What did you just say?" You look at him with clever detective eyes.

"That I'm a fool yes, now stop and go now, we'll continue the fight sometime later... Bye baby bam, bye Y/N... Good night you both, dad loves you," he wishes you both good night and pushed you from behind a little to make sure that you don't return and leaves for his office that is in his home on the first floor.

Collecting a few more files and opening his PC, he scrolled through some information and made a few drafts.

Not too long it was when he realised that it's 5 am in the morning and that someone special he's waiting for from night time must be awake by now.

"Arghh... I'm close," Jungkook stretches his body getting up from his seat and going near the full wall windows to open the curtains and watch the rising sun and dim morning sky.

He made himself coffee and standing near the window, sipping his coffee, he dialed the number.

Within two rings, the phone was received and the manly voice who was trying to catch his breath spoke, "Hi buddy, what's up?"

"Morning buddy, I have some clues. Need you in my office today if you can by 12 pm?"

"Clues on that stupid vincent da Vogh?" The man on the other side who was huffing questioned followed by some drinking sounds as if he did some cardio work and was now drinking water.

"Yeah," Jungkook tells and after 2 seconds, the other man replied.

"Sure buddy, but there's something I want to confess about something really important to you. I've thought over it a lot and understood it was wrong so yeah, i gathered all the courage so I'm telling you but dare you throw hands on me and I'll throw you off from your own office window got it?"

"Oh you'll throw me from there to reach where? The fountain in my garden? Nice joke bro, but anyways, onto work, at 12 pm, good?"

"Good," and both the males hung up with smiles. One with a smile of chatting with the other and finally ready to confess and the other smiling cause he's near to his goal.

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