17- Let's go out

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Jungkook exerts some air with pressure near your face as a fly was roaming around that might disturb you.

He foo foo's again and moves his arms to shoo the insect off you but it was buzzing just above you that annoyed your husband.

"Oh goodness just leave please, my wife is sleeping can't you see? She's so tired because of me so will you leave us? Where did you even come from huh?" He sits a little higher to talk to the fly above your head but not too much as your head was on his shoulder and arm around his waist so not to disturb you, he silently talks to the fly, unknown of the fact it already had woken you up 5 minutes ago.

"Silly fly, better leave the frick off, can't you see we had an amazing time yesternight and you're literally disturbing us early morning? It's not good to disturb new couples you know?"

You see Jungkook with a blurry vision.

Man without a t-shirt on him. His muscles on show and messy hair made him so hot to stare at. But the hot boy was talking to fly which made him cute and cuter.

This is a site everyone deserves early in the morning.

Hot and cute combination.

It's hard to trust that you had sceneries like such when you two were in a relationship.

Jungkook is no less than a scene himself.

God, how you really covet now to reminiscence everything about you two. These sites of Jungkook's are rare to be seen but you've had them in past which is making you yearn now to see them more, and everyday.

His love seems to have been... Beautiful and unapproachable and you feel kinda lucky now that he liked you as all this time you've spent with him, you've noticed that he never talked to a girl with a smile.

He's always serious around everyone and not just girls, the smile that he has always around is is just with you so probably, it's probably true that whatever Jungkook has told you is all true but you do need a face to face explanation from your brother still so till then, you'll let yourself doubt Jungkook which is somewhere also right.

"Thank God it's gone finally," as Jungkook sighs and looks to see if he woke you up by chance, seeing you up but gazing at him like that for him a bit struck and confused.

"Did I wake you up Y/N?" He asks with concern.

"Nope, I woke up myself." You reply with a sweet smile and stretch your body to look back at him again who was already looking at you.

"Oh right," Jungkook suddenly remembered something. "We've a party to attend tonight so I was thinking, how about we take a day out today the whole day, spend some quality time together and also I've things to show you too."

He giggles a mischievous smile that confused you but you agreed to his plan.

"We'll go out the whole day and directly go the party at night."

He informs and both of you got ready to for your day out and his surprise for you. What's there he want to show? Maybe something related to your past? It'll be fun today for sure.

But as you were trying to get up, you suddenly fell back on the back.

Jungkook who was on his way to the washroom saw you and quickly runs to you with concern.

"Wh- what happened?" He asks as he sits on his knees in front of you.

"My legs-"

Right. Last night.

What both of you did made your legs weaken and that kinda embarassed you in front of your husband.

"Ahh I'm so sorry Y/N, was it too rough? Shall we cancel the plan so you can take rest?" He asks confidently that he can cancel all the plans but no way in the world you're leaving his surprise so instantly disagreeing to his idea, you stand up with his support.

"No way Jungkook, we're going. I'll wear Snickers it's not a big deal. Go, get ready asap, I need the bathroom for the next 1 hour."

"1 hour?"

"Yeah! Why? Is it too much?" You chuckle as you moved to the wardrobe to select your clothes for today.

"No, it's less. Earlier when we lived together you've never come out before 1.5 hours so..."

He scratches the back of his head and runs to the bathroom when you stared at him.

"You moron! Who told you that you can spill private things like that."

He's actually right, you never take less than 1.5 hours but you thought you'll tell him 1 hour as it's pretty embarassing again to say 1 hour for just bathing and brushing.

"It's only us Y/N, this is our space so I can say whatever private thing I want to." He teased you and went inside before the thrown cushion by you could have reached him.


"You are."

"Shut up and come out quickly."


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