~ Chapter Twenty-Seven ~

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"Good morning, sleepyhead" Lando says as Madi starts to wake up. Madi grumbles as she moves herself closer to Lando who just chuckles at her "I know, baby. We've gotta get up though or else we will be late for school" he says as he looks at Madi who has one single tear fall from her eye. "I don't want to go... I don't want to face Tyler.." she says as Lando pulls her closer and rubs her back "I know baby, I know.. but we have to go. You're safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" he says. He feels her nod and helps her get ready for school. After about an hour of getting ready and having a few breakdowns, they finally made it to school. Lando noticed how much Madi was shaking on the way to school and it was breaking him piece by piece knowing how scared Madi was...

They finally got to school and went straight to the drama studio as they had a few minutes to spare before they had to go to their form room. "I don't wanna do it... he's gonna be there... he's gonna do something to me..." Madi says as she tries to hold herself back from another breakdown. "Mads, he's not going to even touch you. I won't let him touch you. His dirty hands will stay far away from you, my love" Lando says he places a small kiss on her nose before they hear the bell ring for form which immediately made Madi shake even more. The whole way to form Lando held her hand tighter than ever, he wasn't going to let go. As they walk into form they immediately see that Tyler is sitting next to Lando's seat and Madi feels a tear fall from her eye that she quickly wipes away. She also sees Mason who is giving Tyler the biggest death stare on the planet. As they sit down in their seats Madi immediately feels Lando's hand on her shaking thigh as he tries to calm her down slightly. "I won't let him do anything to you, Mads. I will kill him if he even talks to you" he whispers into her ear before kissing her temple. "who the fuck let him back in" Mason whispers before looking at Madi "you ok, sis?" Mason asks to which Madi just replies with a nod. Obviously she wasn't ok, she was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

"If you're gonna talk about me, say it to my face" Tyler says as he looks at Mason & Lando who are both death staring at him. "oh shut up, Tyler. You're fucking sick" Lando says as he tightens his hand on Madi's thigh. "What the fuck? I thought we were mates, Lando???" Tyler says as he's taken aback from what Lando has said to him. "No. I will never be your mate after what you put Madi through. You're a fucking dickhead for doing that" Lando says which Tyler immediately responds to "The fuck did you just call me?". "Oh quit it, Tyler. Stop fucking staring at her too. It's clear that she doesn't want to talk to you" Lando says as he starts getting more and more defensive by the second. "she's only acting like that because she remembers all the amazing things we did together" Tyler says as he starts to stare at Madi again. Lando shakes his head with a small chuckle "you are so fucking delusional. You don't get to do that shit to her anymore. She's mine now and I don't ever plan on leaving her so how about you back the fuck off and leave us alone" Lando says as he turns to him and waits for what he has to say. "Oh come on, Madi!! Don't you remember all the fun times we had?? I know you loved the time I fuc-" Tyler says as he gets cut off by Lando who has now pinned Tyler to the wall. "Listen up, asshole. Don't you ever even think about mentioning that around her or me again or I swear to god I will fuck you up. And if you even dare to touch her I will kick your fucking ass. Got it, asshole??" Lando starts to yell at him while there's still no sign of their form teacher, Mr Peterson, around. "You don't own me, mate. If I want to touch her I will fucking touch her" Tyler says which just makes Lando's rage build up even more. "I'm not fucking around, Tyler. Don't fucking test me. If you touch her I will fucking kill you" Lando says as he gets even closer to Tyler while leaving barely any room between them. "you haven't got the fucking balls to kill me" Tyler says as he gets even closer to Lando's face. "Seriously, if you try anything funny, I will make sure you fucking regret it" Lando says as he looks back at Madi to check if she's ok but she's still shaking like crazy. "awww little Lando Norris is trying to act all tough in front of his little pathetic girlfriend, Madison Mount" Tyler says which pushes Lando's rage even more. He was going to explode any minute now. "Pathetic? Don't you fucking dare call my girl pathetic. She's far from fucking pathetic. You know what. Fuck you, Tyler. Fuck you for all the shit you put my princess through" Lando says as he pushes his knee into Tyler's balls and they immediately get into a heap on the floor.

"Fuck you, Norris" Tyler says as he digs his nails into Lando's face and leaves a massive cut there. Lando immediately punches Tyler in the stomach to which Tyler hardly reacted to and just kept beating up Lando. Lando was definitely getting the worse end of the deal here. Madi couldn't handle any of this... everyone was crowding around the two boys fighting while Mason & Madi were just in the corner. Madi couldn't even bring herself to watch.. she was just crying in her twin brother's arms while hearing everything that was happening. Eventually, Mr Peterson walked in and broke up the fight. Lando & Tyler were both sent to isolation for the day and Madi spent most of the day trying to make out what the fuck happened this morning while being sat in the drama studio with Mr Poppy & Mason but she was most scared about seeing Lando after the fight...

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