||Chapter 1||

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'We have to work more on this formula, maybe a little bit more creamy.. smooth texture also I am not feeling good with the pigment', I told my team as Rain, my assistant jot down everything I say.
'And what about the models for the shoot next week?', I asked
'Yes, we are sorting them out', Rain answered
'Do it quick', I ordered
'Anything else before I leave? ', I asked looking around the table as no one said anything.
'Good, don't disturb me during the weekend...leave me a message and I will get back to you when possible', I told Rain
'Okay', she nodded
'Bye, take care. Happy Holidays everybody', I smiled at the team before waving them off.
Just like every year we all are meeting at our cabin in the countryside that is almost 3 hours drive from city. It is a same cabin, that we all spend Christmas with my brothers when I was five. We all loved it so much that Stephy bought it and it became a tradition that all family spend Christmas weekend together.
I was lost in thoughts driving my car when my phone rang pulling me out of my mind.
'Hello?', I answered
'Are you on your way mia cara?', Kevin spoke
'Hey Kevy! Yup, I am on my way. Will take around two hours or so. Are you there?', I asked
'I am half way there', he said
'Okay then see you there', I said cutting the call

After a quick stop at a gas station and an excruciating 2 hours drive later I finally parked outside the cabin.
'Ciao famiglia', I called as soon as I stepped in the cottage
'Auntie A', small tiny bodies collided to my legs as I look down at my army of minions. Gavin is the oldest at 10 years followed by Isabella at 9 years and the youngest Harold at sweet 5 years.
'How is my army of minions doing? What chaos did we create today?', I asked picking up Harold in my arms
'How can chaos ensue without Mel in the house?', Antonia smiled walking upto me before giving me a hug. She is the caretaker of the cabin all year round and lives next door but during holidays she is usually here to help in the kitchen
'How are you Antonia?', I smiled
'Good. How are you?', She asked
'Great... Where is everyone?', I asked
'Back garden', she said before walking to the kitchen as I went straight to the back garden
'Hi', I smiled as I walked upto the family
'How are you Stephy? I smiled hugging him tight making sure not to crush Harold in my arms
'How are you babygirl?', he asked
'So good, you lost weight or something?', I asked looking at him
'Started the gym again', he smiled
'Daddy', I smiled as I hugged him tight as his scent takes me back when I was just 5 years old running to his embrace
'How is my babygirl doing?', he asked
'Very well actually and how is my old man?', I asked
'I am anything but old honey ask my last fling?', he answered with a grin
'Eww! Nope no absolutely not no', I shrieked out before walking away from him
'Kevy darling how are you?', I asked hugging him
'I am good and how is my baby sister?', he hugged me back kissing my cheeks
'Very well actually', I smiled taking a chair
'Where is Fred and Jen?', I asked looking around
'He went to the store to get some things for the kids also Jen needed some stuff', Kevy answered
'Right', I nodded before giving my attention to Harold in my arms
I love my nieces and nephews to death especially Harold, he is the youngest and the maybe the cutest but mostly because this sweet little soul shared my grief so not having a mother. Fred married Maya in his early 30's but after giving birth to Harold she was detected with cancer but it was too late we couldn't do anything and three years ago we lost her Harold was only three at that time so, I stayed with Fred for about a year to help with Harold.
For anyone who knew Maya knows that she was the most sweetest and the kindest soul in the whole world she would often neglect herself to take care of others.
'Auntie A?', he called
'Yes, my little munchkin' I smiled looking down at him. His full cheeks and big blue eyes makes me want to squish him everytime
'Candy!', he whispered with a naughty smile
'Okay but shh', I whispered before getting up with him still in my arms
'Where are you going?', dad asked
'Grabbing some water', I spoke without turning around and walking inside
'Don't tell anyone', I whispered
'Okay', he nodded as I gave him a mango candy which he quickly put in his mouth with a soft giggle
'I think your dad is here', I smiled walking to the front and putting Harold down on his feet
'Hi!', I grinned hugging the life out of Fred
'Hi my angel. How are you?', he smiled
'I am good how are you?', I asked as he nodded with a smile
'Ariel', I smiled hugging my favourite sister-in-law. Yes, it's weird that I still call her Ariel but the name kinda stuck with her and she really likes so I think it's a win-win
'Everybody come on lunch is ready', Antonia called us all in from the backyard. Within moments we all were inside on the table with a huge feast in front of us.
'Looks great Antonia, thank you for the meal. Why don't you join us, come on', I said pointing her to a chair before filling my plates up with mashed potatoes, green beans, steak and some gravy
The table was filled with chatter and laughter and everything jolly. I sit back and relax enjoying my family just looking at them makes me feel warm. I look at Fred he was helping Harold when his eyes meet mine I could feel the pain in them. Even though it's been 3 years but, I know there is an emptiness in his heart. He smiled at me before looking away
Freddy was my favourite and fun loving brother who used to make me laugh so much and now the sadness that I see in him makes me feel so sad for him
'Mija, have some more you barely had anything', Antonia said putting some steak, mashed potatoes in my plate
'Thanks Antonia... This will be all please I am really stuffed also I have to leave room for desert', I grinned as she nodded before leaving for kitchen
After our long-ish dinner time the kids were all sent to their rooms while the adults sat down in the living room as the fire crackle in their corner. My head was laying on dad's shoulder while we sip on wine while Kevin and Fred started eating cooking and milk which was left for santa by the kids.
'How is your work going sunshine?', dad asked
'It's good we are working on a new range of concealers', I said
'Right', he nodded a little hesitant
'What are those by the way?', he asked as I let out a chuckle
'Its a cream texture products that hides imperfections like marks, hyperpigmentation', I tried explaining
'Okay got it', he nodded
'So any change in plans for new year little lady?', Stephy asked
'Absolutely not, I never really understand people wanting to welcome new year amid chaos and alcohol, I would rather be at home watching some movie and in all my peace and quiet', I said
'Sometimes I think you are an 80 year old women in a body of you girl', Ariel laughed
'She has always been like this', Stephy chuckled
'Let me have a bite of those cookies', I asked Kevy pointing to the plate of home made biscuits he was holding
'I don't share them but you are my favourite sister', he said pushing the plate towards me
'I am your only sister', I rolled my eyes at him before picking up two of them
'Okay, then we should call it a night the kids are gonna wake us up early anyway', Stephy said as Ariel nodded
'Good night', I waved
'Aren't you feeling sleepy doll?', dad asked
'Not yet... I will go after some time. You should go and rest old man, don't want you falling sick', I smiled he gave me a pointed look before kissing my cheeks and walking upstairs to his room followed by Kevy and Fred after some time. I sat alone in the living room with the glass of wine as fire crackle in the corner.
'Peace and Quiet', I sighed

It would have been around 1:20 in the morning when I went to bed and it's 6:30 in the morning now when Harold ran to my room waking me up at this ungodly hour all excited to open present.
'Come on Auntie A, aren't you excited?', he asked pulling me down the stairs while everyone were there all adults half asleep and the kids having all the energy in the world
'Okay, who should give the presents first?', Fred asked
'Auntie A, she always has the best present', Isabella said as both the kids nodded
'Thank you', I smiled grinning at Kevin. We both have an unspoken fight about who will give best present's and not tooting my own horn but I always win
'We will see about that', he muttered. The kids take their place on the sofa while I sit on the ground pulling out my gifts from under the tree.
'First, Stephy and Ariel', I smiled passing them their gifts. Two months ago I went to Paris for a fashion week and their I spotted the Hermès limited edition bag and immediately bought it for Ariel, she is an absolute epic bag collector and for Stephy I got a Rolex watch with an engraving at the back.
'Oh my God how did you get the bag? It's so freaking rare', Ariel almost jumped with happiness throwing herself on me for a hug
'I have my ways', I smiled
'Thank you doll, I love this watch and that little engraving', he smiled as I nodded
'Next is dad', I smiled passing him the box as I look at him waiting to see the reaction
'Papers?', he spoke confused and as he read through them I could see the confusion then surprise in his face
'What is it?', Jen asked
'You bought me a golf course', he spoke surprised
'Nowadays most of your days are spent playing golf so, I thought you should have one', I said
'Wha the...Arya you are crazy', he laughed
'Well your welcome', I laughed
'Next me please I am dying for my gift', Kevin smiled as I passed him his gift which was a limited edition gold guided Shakespeare book,one of a kind
'You know what? I might cry now and yes you win this Christmas kiddo but one day', he smiled his eyes fixed on the book
'That day will never come', I smiled doing a very dramatic hair flip
'Now my baby brother Freddy', I smiled giving the gift which was horse because my sweet brother have developed a love for equestrians and to be honest he is very good at it
'Whose horse is this?', he asked looking the picture of the horse which was in his box
'Yours', I smiled
'No freaking way', he jumped in surprise
'Yes, but please for the love of God donot name him something weird I remember your last horse was named Kelloggs which is weird AF', I sighed. When he first started riding horses he bought a horse for himself and named him Kelloggs, when I got to know about the name it took me three business days to digest the fast that we share same genes
'Oatmeal', he grinned
'Give my gift back', I shook my head
'Okay...fine how about Spirit', he suggested
'Accepted', I nodded giving a thumbs up
'Thanks sorella... I love the gift', he smiled
'Your welcome', I smiled
'Now it's my minions turn', I smiled at the patiently waiting kids and their eyes immediately light up
'Okay, let's start from the eldest', I said giving Gavin his gift wrapped in a cute Spiderman wrapping. He immediately ripped open the paper which revealed the latest 2000 piece Lego set
'Oh my God! This is exactly what I wanted', he cheered
'Thanks Auntie A... I love it', he chirped giving me a hug
'Now now favourite niece', I said passing her the huge box
'Samantha Parkington', she gasped. It's an American Girl Doll, but this specific doll is actually a collector's item very rare to find
'Oh my God Arya, this is a very expensive doll. You shouldn't have given her this', Ariel said
'Anything for my niece but, Bell sweetheart this doll for playing okay. Rather you should put this doll in your room as a showpiece. Okay?', I said as she nodded
'Now the baby of the family', I smiled before pulling Harold on my lap and passing him his gift which was actually Build-a-Bear
'A bear?', he asked confused
'Press his right hand', I smiled as he did and the silence of the room was filled with Maya's voice - "Mamma always loves you Harold"
'Mom?', he whispered
'This is your mother's message to you, so you she is always there with you', I smiled as he continued to look at the bear with surprise and sadness
'Thanks Auntie A... I-I love it really', he smiled
'Your Welcome honey', I nodded
After a few minute of silence Stephy came ahead to give gifts.
The rest of the early morning was mostly spent in giving away gifts and enjoying a cup of hot cocoa.

Hello Readers,
This is the first Chapter of the book many of you wanted for a long time😇. Our little Arya is not so little anymore but still very loving, caring and giving 💖💕
Let me know your thoughts about this chapter🧐

Next Update on Saturday i.e. 13th January 2024


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