||Chapter 9||

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I am having the most shittiest day or maybe a week cause it's been a week since I last saw, heard or texted Arya. God knows if she is still pissed or not?
'Sir?', Anthony his PA entered
'What?', I asked
'I know you don't like to meet someone without....', he spoke but was pulled out before he can continue and now Arya stood in front of me
'Knock knock', she spoke as Anthony immediately entered
'Ma'am...please you have to leave' he mumbled
'Anthony get out', I said standing
'Arya?', I spoke surprised
'No call, no text or even reaching out why? Got bored of me or found a new chick', she asked as I look at her confused
'Where is she going with this?', I thought. She threw her bag on the sofa before walking towards me, the silence of the room was deafening with only her heels clicking as I gulped
'Am I not appealing to you anymore?', she whispered yanking me towards her my holding my tie
'A-Arya...what are you doing?', I spoke
'Are you scared?', she whispered
'W-what...n-no', I tried to speak as my words come out stuttering
She continued to look at me before running her hand through my hair and taking a step back
'Can I get a cup of tea?', she asked moving to the sofa
'Ahh....aaa s...sure', I nodded ringing the bell and Akshat walked in
'Get me a cup of tea and a cup of coffee with some snacks', I said
'Can I get a black tea?', she asked as Anthony nodded
'Come sit....it's your office. Relax' she chuckled before I walked upto her taking a seat beside her
'Are you a virgin?', she asked
'Are you drunk?', I asked baffled by her behaviour. A week ago she was not even looking at my direction and here she is asking me whether I am a virgin
'N-no...ahhh', I mumbled
'Humm', she nodded
'So, how is stuff going in your life?', she asked
'What do you want Arya? No need to beat around the bush', I said
'I am going to Barbados for the weekend. Do you wish to join me?', she asked looking deep in my eyes and I struggle to make my thoughts
'Why?', I asked
'Mr. Sebastian West, the way you are stuttering and questioning me like a lost baby is making me question your mob boss status?', she chuckled
'Okay...I-I will go with you', I nodded
'Wonderful! Would you be kind enough to pick me up at 9:00 tomorrow, my jet would be waiting', she smiled standing up and grabbing her bag. Just then Anthony entered with a tray
'Atleast have some tea', I said
'Don't worry, it won't go to waste. Keep it there', she winked before telling Anthony to keep it in the table
'See ya!', she smiled leaving my office
Walking back to my seat, I took a deep breath only as my sanctuary was again barged in by none other than Mr. Jason Silvester
'Did you know I was coming?', he asked
'No', I answered
'You got my favourite tea ready', he said picking the cup and taking a sip

This brother-sister duo will surely be the end of me. I only extended my help because I wanted to get close to Arya, these last 6 years have been torture enough for me. Being so close to her yet so far and I am not a very patient guy, I do not have it in me to wait that she will see me and fall in love with me rather I would make her see only me and make her fall in love with me. I cannot risk it....not with her.
'Where are you lost West?', Jason tapped on the table
'After I saw Arya's reaction I suggest you stop with this otherwise you would loose your daughter and no offense but she is crazy enough to cut someone off her life even you', I spoke before standing up and leaving my office
'Anthony clear this weekend for me and also get me two securities for this weekend', I said
'Right away sir', he nodded
'Lets see what you have in store for me amore?', I chuckled as the elevator take me to the parking

As soon as I reached my penthouse I headed straight to my closet and prepared a bag for a surprise getaway.
'Sir?', someone knocked as I walked out if the closet
'What?', I asked
'Dinner is served', she spoke
'Leave then', I spoke before heading to the bathroom to take a shower
A hot and relaxing shower later, I headed to the dining room where everything was laid as I served myself when my phone rang
'Hello?', I spoke
'Hey handsome, missing me?', Arya spoke
'I always do miss you. Are you missing me?', I asked taking a bite of mashed potatoes
'Not really. Having dinner and it's quite here so thought to call you', she answered
'Let me FaceTime you', I said hitting the button and she immediately picked it up and her beautiful face came into view.
'What you having?', she asked looking at my plate
'Steak with mashed potatoes and gravy', I said
'Boring, I don't like steak', she spoke making a disgusting face
'What do you like?', I asked
'I am more into Italian and Asian', she said
'Right', I nodded
'What are you having right now?', I asked
'Ohh nothing special my cook is on leave so I am having cup noodles', she smiled showing me the cup
'You should have ordered in', I worriedly spoke as it was not enough for one person and hold no nutritional value
'I could or I could have made something but I am feeling too lazy and it's not a bad option', she shrugged
'Let me take you out now for dinner', I spoke
'Nooo, I would rather sleep hungry than to get ready for a restaurant', she whined
'No need to get ready just wear whatever you are comfortable in', I said
'Okay', she nodded
'I will meet you down in 10 minutes and don't come down before I call you', I said cutting the call and grabbing my car keys
It was quite late and the streets were almost empty so I reached her penthouse within record time but before I could call her I saw her walking out of the gate wearing an oversized sweatshirt and her long legs were on display
'Hi', she smiled
'Hey', I spoke getting down and walking over to open the door for her
'Where are you taking me?', she asked getting in the seat as I put seatbelt
'Don't worry about it', I smiled before closing her door and walking over before getting behind the wheels
'Did you even finished your dinner?', she asked removing her slippers and folding her legs making herself comfortable
'I did', I lied
'Liar! Liar! Pants on fire', she giggled pointing towards me
'You better not take me to a high end place, I am wearing my dad's sweatshirt', she said as I gave a look to her sweatshirt
'What are you wearing below?', I asked
'Nothing', she replied seductively running her finger tips on my cheeks
'Dont play with me mia cara', I spoke struggling to keep an even breath
'Why? Do I make you hard Sebastian?', she whispered as my hold on the steering wheel tighten
'Arya...for God sake don't test a hungry man', I groaned
'As you say', she shrugged getting back to her earlier position as I immediately missed her touch
'So where are you taking me? And you have to get me ice-cream after', she said
'It's a small deli I like', I said as we reached the place and I stop the car
'Is this it?', she asked un unbuckling the seat belt
'Yes and stay here', I said coming out to open the door for her
'No need to be so curtious I might fall in love in love with you', she spoke hitting my hand before walking ahead to me
As the glass door open, a bell jingles alerting the employee of a new customer.
'Take the corner one', I told her
'So what's special here?', she asked flipping through the menu which I snatched from her hands
'Let me order', I said signalling for a waiter
'Yes, what would you like to have?', he smiled
'Two tofu with white rice bowl with miso soup on the side', I ordered
'Great that will be ten minutes', he nodded before leaving us alone
'So? Why are you going to Barbados?', I asked
'There is this function and you handsome are my date', she smiled poking my dimple an annoying habit she had picked up
'You did not tell me that', I said shocked
'Relax there hulk...you are coming as a friend', she rolled her eyes sitting cross legged on the chair putting her head on my shoulder
'Why are you suddenly so friendly to me, because if I remember correctly you refused to even hear my name', I asked as she let out a giggle
'You are a good guy Seb, and I could really use a friend', she shrugged
'Are you sure, or are you using me for my body?', I asked as she looked at me for a moment a light twinkling in her eyes
'I mean you are not bad to look at...and I am sure you won't mind', she spoke pulling me closer to her face
'Your tofu and white rice bowl with miso soup', the waiter brings the food and lays it in front of us
'Thanks', she smiled pulling a bowl towards herself
'First have miso soup', I said putting the soup bowl in front of her as she picked the spoon and took a careful bite
'Humm nice, it's really good', she smiled before diving back to her soup as I followed the same
We finished our food in silence except few comments from Arya about the food here and there
'Let me pay', she said pulling out her phone as the waiter brings the cheque
'Only cash', the waiter announced looking at her phone as I chuckled before pulling out cash from my pocket and handing it over to the waiter
'Well, I can venmo you', she said
'My treat love', I smiled kissing her cheek
Heading back to our car, I first drop her to her home before heading to mine

I am sorry I know I have a terrible terrible updating schedule but your girl is now last year law student so please cut her some slack lol😁

I often feel so overwhelmed that story doesn't even come to my mind and I would also like to blame my worst enemy:
THE WRITERS BLOCK 🤯; feel like just can't get away from it.

But, I do kinda have a rough story line in my mind so we will take it from here.

I am not sure if I will be able to follow the schedule but i will try my freaking best.

Again Sorry! I love you guys...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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