||Chapter 7||

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'Few of the makeup brands are sending influencers on a trip

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'Few of the makeup brands are sending influencers on a trip. It is a good way for promotion', Tina said
'Umhumm nope we are a cosmetic brand not travel agency. This type of promotion is bullshit, the amount I would blow on this I would rather put it on R&D', I rolled my eyes
'Let's do vending machine', I said
'Vending machine? As in with food?', Tina asked
'Yes, but not with food but with our products. There are often times when we forget to get some makeup things so we put a travel size products near boarding gates at airport', I suggested
'This is...good', she hummed
'We need permissions and machines and travel size products. Let me get in it and see what we can do', she said
'Ya! Let me know by EOD', I said as she nodded
'Also, I need the market stats on my table', I said
'Yes, sure', she nodded
I walked out of the meeting room and in the reception area to pick some package that was left there earlier for me
'Hi', I smiled at the receptionist before she waved at me and giving me the package which was almost 4 boxes
'Thanks', I nodded taking theme with me to my cabin
A soft knock and a very unexpected guest enters which immediately brighten my day
'Pearl', I smiled immediately walking around the desk to hug her
'Madam CEO, how are you?', she grinned hugging me tight
'Good, and how are you?', I smiled
'Just came back from Paris last night. Hope to go lunch with you', she smiled
'Absolutely, let me grab my purse', I said immediately getting it from the side desk and walking out with her hand in hand. The parcel sat forgotten on the table

'You again opening for Louis Vuitton?', I asked munching on the carbonara pasta
'Oh yes and I have like about 13 show booked and I think I am done because it gets tiring', she explains
'Humm', I nodded
'By the way I tried your foundation it's really good', she said
'Thanks', I smiled
'So how is your dating thing going? Found anyone?', she asked
'Its in process to be honest, there is guy who is like pursuing me but, I haven't given him a definitive answer', I said
'Oh my God let me see...do you have a picture?', she asks as I nodded pulling one from Google
'Sebastian West?', she speaks
'Umhumm you know him?', I asked
'Jesus yes, he use to date a model I know and from what I heard he cheated on her and he is a very big flirt like with other women. You stay away from him', she speaks
'What the fuck? He have been running around me like crazy as if he is soo good', I said surprised to find the truth
'Get yourself a PI and find stuff about him. You might get the confirmation because what I am telling you is what I heard in the industry', she said
'I would', I sighed
'Let it be hun, man are not really to be trusted', she smiles hugging me
'True', I sighed
We continued to enjoy our food, Sebastian West left behind. By the time we stepped out of the restaurant we were a little tipsy so be straight went to our car and headed to my home to probably eat it off or sleep it off

Around 7 in the evening Pearl left for her hotel while I just lounge in my living room. But my mind was plagued with Sebastian West, I needed to know about him. Everything.
I could have asked Mike but he would run to dad first thing and I cannot have that.
Picking my phone I look through my contact list and I find the only person who could help me at this moment.
'Ay yo, whatsup shorty!', his voice rang
'I need you to find everything on Sebastian West', I said
'Sebastian West? The Mob Boss', he spoke
'He is a mob boss?', I asked confused because dad said he is in no way related to this field
'Which Sebastian West are you talking about?', he asked
'The CEO of West Securities', I said
'Yup, it's same. I'll reach you in a week', he said
'Right', I said cutting the call
'Why did dad lied to me', I mumbled to myself
Laying down on the sofa, I answered few emails and made some phone calls.

'Sorella, how are you? I was hoping we could meet for lunch', Fred called
'Yes, sure', I said
'Do you want to come home?', he asked
'Absolutely, I will be there in like 20 minutes', I said
'Sure, see you', he said cutting the call
I wrapped everything in the office, before heading to Fred place and not forgetting Harold's choclate. He loves the oat choclate I have in my office and everytime he visits he gobbles them.
Getting in my car, Mike drove me to Fred's place while I had chat with my girl's

Gregory😈- Where all my bitches at?
Pearl💗- Around...where are you nowadays. Last I heard you were at Birmingham
Quin😇- I will be landing in California, tomorrow
Me- I am at my usual. Where r u greg?
Gregory😈- Will be landing in California tomorrow. Was at Bali, having fun with some girls....turns out I am very likable within women
Me- Please🤮
Pearl💗- I am gonna fucking die...please Gregory💩
Quin😇- 😂 😂 😂 😂
Gregory😈- Jealous 🥱 Let's meet tomorrow I drop the location. Toodles!

'Ms. Silvester, we are here', Mike announced
'Thanks Mike', I nodded getting out of the car
Walking inside I was collided with my little handsome boy
'Steady there my baby bear', I picked him up
'Aunty A, I missed you', he smiled hugging me
'I missed you too baby boy', I smiled
'Hey! You here?', Fred said as he walked down the stairs
'Heya!', I smiled hugging him
'Come, I have got your favourite dishes made today', he smiled walking to the dinning table
'There is arrabiata pasta', Harold whispered
'Really?', I smiled as he nodded excited to tell me
'I love that', I smiled
Sitting in my seat I began serving myself and Harold as began digging in.
'It's really good', I mumbled
'Humm', he hummed
There was definitely something cooking in Fred's mind which he is not speaking out yet.
'Aunty A I really want to visit your office. Dada's office is really boring, I love yours', Harold said
'Aww I would love to have you there. Let's a day when you have your office from school', I said as he nodded
'Aunty A I want to meet your cat. Why don't you bring her here', he asked
'Humm, your dada is allergic to cat. You come to my place and then we can play with the cat', I said as he made a face before nodding
After we had a lunch, Harold went off to play in his room while Fred and I sat in the living room with a glass of wine
'Spit it out Fred, It's making me loose my freaking mind', I almost screamed at his face
'Is it that obvious?', he asked
'I have seen you grow up', I rolled my eyes
'I think it's other way 'round', he mumbled
'We both know the truth, get to the point the air is getting thick', I said
'I met a women', he said as I immediately spit out the wine that failed to make it to down my throat.
'I am so sorry. What?', I spoke horrified
'Who?', I asked
'She is my PA', he replied
'Damn' I sighed
'And she likes you?', I asked 
'I am not sure, but I really like her?', he said 
'Okay...so you need to first find out if she likes you the way you like her?', I said 
'Ya, i don't know how should I find that? he asked 
'Humm well that you have to find yourself, I cant help you but a simple advice ask directly and no need to go round and round with the question rather go ahead and simply ask what she feels. I am sure she will be able to answer and please do it quick', I advised
'Okay, then', he nodded 
'And does she know about your child?', I asked 
'She does but i don't know how she feels about it', he answered 
'Best of luck go ahead and ask her', I smiled  

So our baby Freddy is love. Or is he?
Well we will see maybe not in this book but he might have another book just his part, I am not sure.

See ya later!!!

Sua MoglieWhere stories live. Discover now