||Chapter 4||

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'We are going to dad', I told Sawyer as be nodded and opened the car door for me

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'We are going to dad', I told Sawyer as be nodded and opened the car door for me. My office was not far from dad's office barely half an hour away.
'How long will it take?', I asked Sawyer
'20 minutes, there is a lot of traffic', he said as I nodded before pulling out my laptop and began to send some mails and sending some to-do to Rain for today. We are on a way to currently develop the widest range of foundation so, everyone is quite busy with everything.
There was a lot of traffic so I was able to do lot of work before we reached the office
Getting in the office building I head straight to the private elevator and directly to dad's floor.
'Hello Gretchen', I smiled
'Hey, honey how are you?', she asked
'Good. And you?', I smiled
'Very well. Here to see your dad?', she asked
'Yes, is he inside?', I asked
'No, he is in the conference. Why don't you go there', she said passing me a small chocolate bar as I thanked her and went to the conference room.
With a soft knock I entered the conference room
'Hi daddy', I smiled
'Hello bambina! Come have a seat', he stood up and walked upto me before hugging me tight
'How are you old man?', I smiled kissing my cheeks
'Very well sweetheart', he smiled
'Come meet Sebastian West, he is my friend Thomas West's son', dad introduced
'Offcourse Sebastian West, I met him yesterday at the charity gala', I said smiling at him
'Oh that's wonderful, well what bought you here m'love? Dad asked
'Just wanted to see whether my old man is alive or not because apparently he is kind of forgetting that I exist because I have not received one single call in last month', I said folding my arms
'Scusa piccolo mio, I have been a bit busy with a new project in Cape Town', dad smiled putting his hand on head lovingly
'Just wanted to spend time with you', I smiled at him
'Sure darling, just let me cancel my my meeting', he smiled
'Oh! No don't do that, we can meet next week', I said stopping him
'You know what why don't you sit here and have a talk with Sebastian while I handle the meeting. It's not gonna be not more than 20 minutes. I hope you won't mind Sebastian?', dad asked turning his focus on him
'Sure', he nodded
'Oh no dad please I am not five I will find something to entertain myself', I spoke
'Its alright I can accompany her', Sebastian nodded before dad walked out
'You left the party early yesterday?', Sebastian asked
'Not really a party kind of a person. How long were you there for?', I asked
'Not long, left before midnight', he said
'I read your article by the way', he asked as I looked at him confused
'Which one?', I asked
'That was on the ET Times last month', he replied
'Oh! Yes. I did not knew you were into entertainment. Aren't all businessman into financial stuff and news?', I asked raising my eyebrows
'Well, I like to keep myself updated in all sectors. You never know', he shrugged leaning back in the chair
I was about to say something but a soft knock disturbed us and Gretchen entered with coffee
'Your dad sent some', she smiled placing a cup in front of me and Sebastian each
'Thanks', I smiled before she left us alone
'You were saying something?', Sebastian asked sipping his coffee
'Yes as I was saying what is your opinion on my sector?', I asked a little curious
'Do you want me to be honest?', he asked with a smirk
'Absolutely', I nodded
'I think cosmetics is an industry that is ever evolving and a safe business if you know how to play right. It's something that everyone needs and wants today', he explained
'Not bad you did your research well I see. I am impressed Mr. West', I smiled enjoying my coffee with him which did not happen much
'Thank you very much. Call me Sebastian, Mr. West is what people call my father', he said
'As you wish Sebastian', I nodded
'Your father is making you wait for a long time', he said looking at my watch
'Its not like that I mean to be honest I sort of grew within these walls since I was five so, I kind of enjoy being here. I could walk upstairs to my brother Sebastian and on that note I should because if he got to know I was here and did not meet him he will throw a tantrum', I said as Sebastian let out a chuckle
'What?', I asked confused at his chuckle
'Its really difficult to imagine Stephen Silvester chuckle', he said
'Hey! don't say that he is a teddy bear okay', I said offended
'Your brother is anything but a teddy...wait? How is Jason your father but Stephen your Brother? Shouldn't he be your uncle?', he asked which immediately made me pause from taking a sip from my coffee
'Jason is not my biological father he is my brother, we all share same set of parents. Its just that he played the role of my mother and father better than my biological parents so, he is my dad and the best dad I could even ask for', I explained
'I get that', he nodded
'I should head upstairs to meet Stephen, there is no need to babysit me anymore. It was nice to meet you Sebastian', I smiled before leaving without another glance but not without sending dad a text that I am leaving to meet Stephy and will be back later.

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