I can't believe I actually did it. I kissed her, me. It's extremely out of my character but I could tell she wouldn't, I really wanted to. She liked it, she wanted more. What did this make us? What does this make me? Do I have to talk to her? What do I do?
When I see her at school, my heart skips a beat and I walk over to her. Her smile makes me smile and she opens her arms for a hug. I hug her back and her body feels warm. The world has gone blank and I now feel safe. She breaks it, which makes me sad but when she speaks, it clears it away.
"So, I was thinking we can make the lesson more frequent, maybe every day..." she says, smiling. I nod my head excitedly. "So your parents don't care?" Literally.
I shake my head and she shrugs. She links her arm with mine and lays her head on my arm. She is shorter than me, maybe 5'4, but the hold she has on me is insane. "I wish we more classes together. The only other people are Tiffany and Sasha, which they're cool but I'd rather have you," her words make my face heat up.
"Welp, this is me," she says pointing to the door. "Can I get a kiss?"
I nod trying to hide the smile that begins to form. She meets her lips with mine, holding my face with her delicate hands. The kiss is over and I open my eyes with her warm smile. "See you at the break," she turns and goes inside.
I turn and see Izzy frown. "So you kiss a girl and you don't tell me?" Ahh, shit. I meant to I just forgot.
"I told you, how is that fair?" I give her an I'm sorry look and she rolls her eyes. We walk into class together. AP Psych is the same every day, a lecture full of notes with an assessment at the end. I power through it all while helping Izzy who always seems to struggle no matter the class. I always wonder why she takes AP classes.
After what seems like hours in class, we rejoin with each other and walk out. As I'm walking, I catch my eyes with Angel. I don't think I have ever smiled bigger. Her smiling face comes closer to mine and she stops in front of me. "Hey beautiful," she says and gives me a kiss before walking away. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to stare into her eyes before the last bell rang. We rush away and to class.
A pleasing wave of relief washes over me as the bell rings for the end of the next class. I pack my things and head to the lunch hall for a break. Break lasts ten minutes, so i do my best to find Angel in a crowd of high schoolers. When I notice my brother and his friends practically surrounding her, my stomach drops.
I make my way over, forcing myself through the sweaty bodies and axe spray. I meet her eyes with her annoyed one and smile a little. "Satan, move bro!"
I turn and look at my brother. I grab Angel's hand, leading her away from them and to Izzy and her group. We sit down and Angel can't help but complain about my brother and friends. "He won't give up. I have him 2nd period."
"Yeah, Gabriel is an annoying fuck, kudos to S for living with the bitch," Angel looks at me in surprise, eyebrows lifted and eyes wide.
"He's your brother? Why didn't you tell me that?" I can't.
"She's ashamed and I would be too," Izzy replies and she's not lying. "Anyways, are ya'll a thing now?"
"Uhh... I'm not sure," she turns to me. "I think that's something we have to discuss."
When the bell rings silencing the conversations around me, we get up and make our way to our next class. The comfort of her hand in mine soon leaves and I find myself in my ceramics class. The teacher discusses topics regarding the history of ceramics while we take notes and prepare ourselves for the unit test. History in ceramics is rare, we usually just make different objects, partner work, and occasionally testing.
They take time to discuss our notes and I take time to review in my head. Going over the notes and drawing random things on the side. My teacher come up to me, tapping me on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a second."
I nod my head and follow her to her desk. "So I was going over grades and it seems like you missing an assignment, here." That's ridiculous, I never miss work.
I nod my head, looking at the red square. "If you can get this in by next week, there will only be a 20 percent deduction."
2o percent?! Shit!
I have never missed an assignment, just had a bad grade. I refuse to not turn in work, I could've sworn I turned this in. I nod my head slower at her words and when she's done, I go back to my desk.
I open my computer, trying to look for the assignment in my drive. When I find it, I'm angered to see it completed. I roll my eyes, annoyed at myself. I turn in the work, with a comment saying 'I had completed it, but forgot to turn it in, sorry'.
I close my computer and take out a book to read for the remainder of the class. When the bell rang, I grab my things and put them in my bag. I stretch a little then made my way out the door.
Time flies and I find myself back in child development, with Angel. I can't help but turn to face her beautiful face. She smiles big and tilts her head while resting it on her hand. "Opinion on mint ice cream."
"Tastes like toothpaste," I sign.
"It told my mom the same thing, she loves it. It makes me sick," there was a stern tone in her last sentence, but a smile on her face. "So you play video games."
I shake my head. "What about mobile games?" I nod my head. "Ooo which kind?"
I pull out my phone showing her the games I play. Roblox, Call of Duty mobile, Subway Surfers and more. She ends up becoming friends with me on both Roblox and Call of Duty before the teacher gets our attention.
"Alright, you guys have a project. You'll need to find a partner and review the instructions on the Canvas."
Angel taps my shoulder and asks to be partners. Of course, I nod yes and she sits at the empty desk next to me. She pushes it to connect to mine on the left, then sits down. "This looks so fun!" She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
I can't do anything but smile back. As we review the slide and instructions, it becomes clear what we have to do. Create slides of 15 vocabulary words, write examples and what has to do with child development. Then we have to present.
"I have to present all fifteen slides?!"
To insure her, I write on paper. Because you are partners with me, you get treated like me. We don't have to present and we will still get full credit.
"Really?!" I nod my head. "That is a relief, I hate presenting."
Although my parents refuse to believe I have a real mental disorder, the school does. They let all my teacher know of my "rules". I can't be called on, I can't be forced to speak, and I can't give presentations. Any student partnered with me must receive the same treatment.
After completing around 7 slides we pack up. We part ways and meet together after school to have another lesson.
If I ever decide to speak, my first word will be fuck.
(A/N: don't forget to vote pookie 😘 cause I know some don't 😒)

Mama's Boy
Roman d'amourSatan has been mistreated since day one. Ever since her parents found out they were having boy and girl twins, they have been disgusted but the fact of having a girl. Her mother wants nothing to do with her and her father has been touching her since...