48: Sweet Melody

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"To say I am disappointed in you would be an understatement. How could you? How dare you! I didn't give my child to you to be mistreated."

Jameel's body language spoke volumes, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, facing his raging mother-in-law. His gaze, when it finally met Mrs. Amina's after avoiding it for as long as he could, was filled with a desperate plea for understanding, for forgiveness. It longed to undo the past—to ease the pain he had caused and to correct his mistake, but deep within him, he knew it was impossible.

"Nothing can justify your action!" Mrs. Amina continued, her anger intensifying with each word.

Jameel concurred by nodding his head. Jameel wished there was something he could say to redeem himself, but at that moment, all he could do was sit, lost in his own remorseful thoughts.

Mrs. Amina leaned forward in her seat. "I came here to take my daughter back home with me."

"Mum," the word trembled out of Jameel's mouth, as if afraid to be spoken aloud. "Please don't do this."

"You've left me with no other choice."

"Mum," Jameel gulped down a ball of nerves that got stuck in his throat. He had experienced love slip through his fingers once and he didn't like how it tasted. He would never want to go through such an ordeal again. "There's probably nothing I can say or do to calm you down at this moment, but I want you to know that the love I have for Afrah is genuine. I'm deeply sorry for what I did. It's one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life and I'd understand if you don't forgive me because I have actually not forgiven myself as well. If only I could turn back the hands of the clock, I would do that in a heartbeat. I love your daughter so much."

"Yet you raised your hand against her?" Mrs. Amina seethed. "Afrah grew up with so much love. She was entrusted to you by us!! I'm highly disappointed in you. If her father's hears of this, do you think he will leave you alone?"

Jameel lowered his head. His eyes flickered from hopelessness, a deep longing for redemption that seemed just out of reach. He yearned to undo the damages his action had caused, but deep down, he knew that some wounds could never fully heal. Afrah had also not completely forgiven him, he was aware because she couldn't hide the pain—a reminder of what he had inflicted.

"Afrah is coming with me and that is final."

"Mum," Jameel continued. "please, do not punish me by taking Afrah away from me again. I..." His voice trailed. "She's my backbone...how will I be able to go on without her?"

"You should have thought of all these before raising your hand to her!" Mrs. Amina yelled. "Enough. I have had enough. Afrah," she called, averting her gaze to Afrah.

Jameel had not realized that Afrah had been standing by the door and listening to their conversation until her mother called her name.

"Na'am," Afrah responded as she walked into the living room and took a seat on the armrest of the couch Jameel was seated on.

"I hope you've had your stuff packed. We are leaving immediately." Mrs. Amina informed, preparing to rise to her feet.

Jameel's heart grew heavy with a fear that gnawed his very core. His mind was a battlefield of insecurities as he waited for Afrah's response.

"Mum, I know you wouldn't want me to have a broken marriage, right?"

Jameel's body seemed to regain its vitality as the words emerged from his wife's mouth. The fear that had consumed him dissipated in the air, replaced by a sense of calmness.

"I know you always pray for me to be happy." Tears glistened in Afrah's eyes. "I know you want the best for me. Always."

Mrs. Amina squinted her eyes at her daughter but that didn't make her attempt to interrupt her.

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